SeeSaw: The best way to watch TV online. { Review }

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Does anyone watch TV on an actual TV anymore? Well, yes. However, more and more TV is watched online. BBC iplayer. Channel 4’s 4od. These are all great. But what if you want to watch all your shows on one site? You get SeeSaw. The iplayer only has BBC shows. 4OD only Channel 4. SeeSaw has everything. It’s the best in online content.

I can catch up on Come dine with me, Spooks and 30 Rock to name just some of the great shows. It’s simple and easy to use. Has a mix of free and paid-for content, and the web-based application will work on any browser on the Mac and PC and streams content, i.e., TV shows, directly to your screen either in a window or full screen format. It’s all safe and legal and over 3500 hours of the content is free.

You can rent a series for £9.99 or an episode at £1.19. You can also share your shows with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. SeeSaw is brilliant. I am addicted. With winter on the way I will certainly be doing the ‘Tight Tuesday’ offer they have started. You can rent an entire TV series for 99p. It’s a weekly promotion, on Tuesday, obviously. You get to vote for the TV show you think should be selected the following Tuesday – and share your vote with your facebook friends to encourage them to follow suit. Go check it out

Sign up to SeeSaw. Staying in is the new going out.


    • A1 on September 13, 2010 at 3:41 am great way to watch us tv (us, Europe, Asia……)

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