Frost Loves…Modern Milk

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Modern Milk is smooth, creamy and delicious. Very natural and healthy. It is exactly what the names says, it is a better version of milk

Modern Milk comes in four flavours Smooth Coffee with a hint of Vanilla, Milk Chocolate with a hint of golden Caramel, Lush Banana and Honey and Ripe Strawberry and Raspberry. My favourite is a toss up between the Milk Chocolate and the Ripe Strawberry and Raspberry.

The Milk Chocolate is great if you are trying to diet, you can just have one of these instead of a chocolate bar. It takes the edge of and it has a hint of caramel. It’s rich but not too rich.

None of the drinks have a horrible aftertaste and after drinking Modern Milk I felt a lot healthier. They are like a snack all in one. The ultimate in a health drink.

The design is really good, they all have a different cow cartoon on them, and they all have ‘think differently’ written on them backwards. The way they open is cool too.

Frost loves Modern Milk.

Modern Milk is a delicious low fat dairy drink that has been created to get people excited about drinking milk again and encourage them to include it in their weekly diet to keep them healthier.

Many adults are not drinking enough milk and this can have an effect on health issues such as osteoporosis, obesity and tooth decay. Modern Milk contains extra calcium, added vitamin D and fibre and with these added health benefits can help to show that what makes you feel good on the inside, can also help make you look good on the outside.

Research confirms that vitamin D makes our bodies to absorb calcium. Lack of calcium  makes our bodies to increase the production of
synthase, a fatty acid enzyme that coverts calories into fat. Consequently the higher levels of vitamin D in the blood, the easier it is to lose weight.

Milk is an important source of nutrients for many age groups and can help your body operate properly; calcium – for strong bones,
carbohydrates – for energy, protein – for growth and healing processes. When hunger pangs strike, Modern Milk can help fill you up for longer so that you don’t snack. The calcium can also have a positive effect on your nails, teeth and hair playing a part in your weekly beauty regime.
TV’s Dr Hilary Jones endorses Modern Milk as a great low-fat, after-workout drink. He says milk is the nearest thing you can find to a totally complete food containing, as it does, a perfect balance of protein, minerals, vitamins, essential fats and carbohydrates.

Modern Milk is currently sold in Tesco Extra for just 0.99p and comes in four delicious flavours – Smooth Coffee with a hint of Vanilla, Milk Chocolate with a hint of golden Caramel, Lush Banana and Honey and Ripe Strawberry and Raspberry.

Frost Magazine