Seb Morgan’s Fitness Column

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Hello Frost Magazine readers

My name is Seb, and I am lucky enough to become the new columnist for Frost Magazine, bringing you news, but more importantly the truth and positive information about health and fitness, some of it may shock you and some may find it hard to believe, but it is the stuff you need to know.

A little about me, I am originally from South Wales, I was raised in the classic “spit and sawdust” gym environment, no heating-if you want to get warm then move more, if you want a shower-stand under the drip in the ceiling. Men with no education yet they could eat a 20kgs weight plate and tell you everything about the human body you need to know.

Playing rugby to a very high standard I went on to become county champion in rugby, swimming and athletics as well as competing in muay thai boxing and weight training.

I moved to London 10 years ago to go to drama school and have since been working as an actor and stage combat teacher, but also still doing my normal training. For many years friends would ask me advice on health and fitness and where possible would train with me, the problem being they would train WITH ME not by me, therefore they couldn’t keep up, remember I was training myself and they wanted to join in and gain my knowledge for free…no problem…but they had to keep up and they couldn’t and this would create a negative effect towards health and fitness and would go away thinking…there is no point, why should I bother. Sound familiar?

After hanging out with my friends from 4 gauge, I actually decided to become a fully qualified personal trainer, having completed the Premier Diploma in personal training and NASM (national academy of sports medicine) bridging-course, I can now advice ANYBODY on the health and fitness issues of everyday, but now my problem is as it may be for you, it seems fitness is not free.

Gym memberships, personal training fees, website membership, equipment, supplements, health low fat foods (which is something we are going to cover soon and you will be shocked) DVDs and magazines. it all adds up, not only that but the descriptions in magazines can be foreign and complicated to someone who is not familiar with exercise and normally it is awfully written….having researched many articles and trainers, a lot of the technique is wrong. Shocking and terrible.

So I am here to tell you the truth…not to tell you what to do, what to buy, where to go, but to educate, give positive information, and show you how you can do this, reach your goals and in the best way; free as possible.

So stay tuned and I look forward to being a part of you’re lives.

You can follow me on twitter @sebmorganfit or email me any questions that I will try to answer here, or in regards to personal training on

Just remember guys, only the brave make the choice and stand by it.