Sex Toys For Older People and Disabled

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Desire and Pleasure, the online sex toy website from charity FPA’, is launching a revolutionary inclusive selection of sex toys.

The range was created after research found that older people and the disabled are poorly catered for when it comes to sex toys, products and information on how to use them.

Selected For You aims to provide ergonomically designed products that are easy to grip, can be controlled remotely and are easier to use by those with limited mobility, dexterity issues or suffer from fatigue.

The products have been selected by experts and sex toy reviewers to ensure that the most suitable products have been chosen. Their feedback has been compiled and today the range goes on sale.

Terry Hawkins, Business Development Manager at FPA says: “Our research shows that there is demand from older and disabled people, but it is not often clear which products are most appropriate for them or how they should be used.  We are aiming to solve this conundrum. Selected For You will eventually become the world’s most inclusive range.

“One of the most neglected audiences  has been older people. We are finding that a lot of older people are either still sexually active or back on the dating circuit again. Many older people are still very physically and mentally active and don’t need special products.  Rather than specially designed products, what they need is information on how to use the products, what they are and how to do so safely.”

FPA welcome feedback from customers who visit the site about our product range and the information we provide. By listening to their comments FPA  is continually finding out more about how we can help sectors of the marketplace who have up until now been unable to find products to suit their individual needs.

The website was launched by FPA in September as a social enterprise to help fund the sexual health charity which runs telephone helplines, and campaigns on major issues.

Frost Magazine