How To Build A Website

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buildawebsiteBuilding a website can seem like a daunting experience. Especially to the technologically challenged. But like most things, when you get the hang of it, it becomes a lot easier.

To get you on your way Frost has put together a handy guide. Good luck!

Get Some Hosting

If you are going to build a website you need to have it hosted on a server. When deciding what hosting site to go with ask around. Word of mouth is important. 1&1 My Website have a good reputation. They also have good customer service. My first ever website was hosted by them. Aw, memories.

Get a Domain

Different from hosting. The domain is the name of the site. So is our domain. A good domain name enhances your brand and makes your URL (uniform resource locator) easier to find. These can be inexpensive. Although it you want not only would that probably be taken, but it would also be very expensive.

Think About The Design

You want a design that is pleasing to the eye and easy to read. Also think carefully about installing flash or lots of plugins. This will slow the site down and some people might not even be able to view it.

Content is King

This is the most important thing on your site. Nothing is more important than content. It will get people coming back to your site. You need to update your content regularly. Not only for your readers (if an online magazine) or customers (if for your business) but also for the search engines. If you constantly update your site then search engines like google love it as it shows growth.

Think About Getting a Template

You don’t need to learn how to code. You can use a wordpress template. We use one on Frost Magazine and so do a lot of other sites.

Ask For Help

Never be scared to ask for help. If you are stuck you can ask your hosting site’s customer service, search on the internet or ask the question on Twitter and Facebook. People love to help.

Back Up!

This is so important: Back up your site! If you don’t back up then you can lose all of your hard work in an instant. So many things can go wrong so back up at least once a week.

 Do you have any website building tips? Share them below.


Frost Magazine