Common Mistakes Made When Brushing Your Teeth

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Ah, brushing your teeth; It’s one of theimages most ingrained habits in the UK, and it’s something that everyone knows how to do, right?  Well, not always.  There is actually evidence that quite a lot of people still make some fairly basic errors when brushing their teeth.  Because we’re nice, we’ve put together this little list of some of the most common mistakes that people make:

Not picking a brush with the right bristles.  As time goes by, toothbrushes are becoming more and more varied in terms of their design and the way in which the bristles work.  Though they still come down to the same patterns – straight and angled – the materials used for them has changed quite a bit, with everything from solid plastic to the traditional fibres a part of modern bristles.  This means that the tougher brushes are even more unsuitable for those with weaker gums, and yet many people who suffer from small amounts of bleeding without brushing still use them.  Needless to say, this is a seriously bad idea.

Not brushing enough.  This is possible the most common mistake, with a great many people simply not brushing either enough times a day or for a long enough period.  The typically recommended time period is for at least two minutes each time, at least twice a day taking place.   Any less will often lead to problems in the long run.

Brushing too hard.  The other main error is to actually brush too hard or for too long, as this can both expose the root of the tooth to some irritation, as well as erasing the enamel on the teeth.    It can also cause serious damage to the gums if over a prolonged period of time.

Not brushing the inside.  Watch any toothpaste advert, and you’ll inevitably be confronted with the sight of some gorgeous person, frantically brushing away at the front and centre teeth. Unfortunately, this has led to a great many people not taking their inside cleaning as seriously as the outside, meaning that plaque will quite often build up the mouth side.  Needless to say, you should spend just as much time cleaning the inside as the outside.  A lack of inside cleaning will likely lead to you visiting a dentist like Kool Smiles.

Not replacing their toothbrush often enough.  If you wash up in the old-fashioned way, imagine having to use the same sponge or scourer for six months.  Not a pleasant thought, is it, all that muck and dirt being scrubbed back onto those clean dishes?  As an item that spends half of its time soaking wet and cleaning up dirt, a toothbrush needs to be replaced around every couple of months to ensure it is helping and not hurting.

Not rinsing.  Again, the best way to think of this is to imagine having a good bath and then not rinsing the tub down afterwards!  A good rinse is the perfect way to ensure all of the bacteria and food that the brushing has scrubbed away from the teeth is sent back down the plughole.  Not doing so means it will linger around the mouth, which isn’t what anybody wants.