5 Ways to Make Your House a Home

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heart-home-rugGetting a house of your very own is an exciting experience and you will want to start putting your stamp on it straight away. Turning a house into a home is a great way of making it yours in a special way and so here are the top five ways you can make your new house into a personal, warm home for you and your family.

Personal Touches

It is the people who live in a house that make it into a home and so make the most of the people around you. Photographs and mementos hung in stylish frames make great wall art and you can put them in any room of the house. You can even get your friends and family to help you decorate your home thus create new memories and a familiar feeling every time you enter.

Make It Yours

When you are looking to decorate your house, you will probably look through hundreds of brochures, trawl the internet and speak to everyone you know about what they think but, in the end, this is your house and you need to make the final decision. Go with your instincts, even if it’s not in the latest decorating magazines and you will find your home has a personal, meaningful look that is all you.

Invite Me In

A house becomes a home when the people you love feel conformable and welcomed when they visit. A bright and warm home will put them immediately at ease and you should always make sure you have plenty of seating to accommodate everyone. Of course, an emergency tin of biscuits in the cupboard and lots of mugs for tea and coffee are essential too. A cold, draughty house is one way to put people off visiting so it is worth taking a look at your heating system and seeing if it needs an update. There are so many beautiful fireplace suites to choose from on the market and it will keep your home warm and toasty – perfect for when visitors drop by unexpectedly.

A Finishing Touch

Although it can’t always be helped, people will feel more comfortable in a home that isn’t halfway through a renovation. A half-finished bathroom or bare walls in the lounge don’t exactly scream ‘come on in!’ and you will feel less than pleased that guests are seeing your work half-done. Try to get things finished once you begin and don’t let DIY jobs over-run into weeks instead of days. The bigger jobs, such as changing your heating works may take a little longer but they are worth getting done in one go if you can – especially when there are plenty of fires & stoves at Homebase to choose from!

A Group Effort

If you live with others, it is important that they have a say in how your home should look. A spouse may have ideas of their own about what style to choose for a particular room and with the rush of getting things done; sometimes we can ignore their requests by accident. Make sure you have discussions about what you both want for your home before you begin. The same goes for children too – let them have an input into what their room will look like so that they feel that their own personal space has their very own stamp of approval on it.


Frost Magazine