What To Eat When You’re Pregnant And Vegetarian | Book Review

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pregnancy, health, diet, food, what to eat, vegetarian, The phrase, ‘You are what you eat’, is never truer than when pregnant. In fact, both you and your baby are what you eat. If you are vegetarian, or just want to cut down on meat, then this book calls itself the ‘complete guide to healthy eating’. We put it to the test.

This book is an excellent guide. It has a handy reference of vegetarian-safe food and drink, checklists for pregnancy and post-conception, guidelines on caffeine and alcohol, tips on handling morning sickness, how to achieve a healthy weight, and then lose it again, advice on getting enough nutrients, advice on allergy-proofing your baby, food that affects a babies development and what you should eat when breastfeeding. Phew. That is quite a lot of information.

With its menu plans and tips for planning meals, the wealth of information in this book is vast. It even has graphs of how much you should weigh and what food you should eat, it makes a complicated time easy, at least when it comes to nutrition. I also thought the chapter on getting enough iron and avoiding anaemia is great for any mother-to-be. The common complaints during pregnancy and how to deal with them is great too. It covers most health complaints that occur in pregnancy.

What to Eat When You’re Pregnant and Vegetarian: The Complete Guide to Healthy Eating is a great book. A must buy if you are planning to get pregnant or already are.

Frost Magazine