AudaCity of Fashion launches coffee mornings offering free crowd funding advice

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Need money for your fashion business?

Then you need to book in to  “AudaCity Coffee Mornings” for a one-to-one free consultation to discuss how crowdfunding could be the solution to your funding issues

AudaCity of Fashion offers a revolutionary approach to the support of fashion creativity in London. As a reward based crowdfunding platform dedicated to fashion, AudaCity of Fashion allows designers to pre-sell their products and undertake market research. It fosters an early collaboration with the audience, who pledge and receive rewards in return of their contributions.

AudaCity of Fashion, Free fashion business advice

As this is a new concept to most young fashion brands, AudaCity of Fashion has launched a weekly coffee morning when fashion creative can pop in for a free one-to-one consultation to discuss how crowd funding could help their business. The sessions are available every Tuesday morning starting on October 1st from 10am – 1pm at Felicities Showroom, Shoreditch. To book an appointment call Josie on 0207 377 6030.


AudaCity of Fashion opens the door to creative funding. It allows fashion ideas, which do not fit the criteria required byconventional financiers to break through, get access to the market, and gain financial support from truly interested early supporters.


Open to everyone connected within the fashion industry including designers, photographers, illustrators, magazines, and bloggers, AudaCity of Fashion will engage with people to bring the energy, enthusiasm and resources to accomplish a positive change and build sustainable brands for the future.


AudaCity of Fashion which launched in July has already had two successful projects and has garnered support from key industry figures who will act as curators, catalysts and experts and be the visionary individuals willing to support the growth of inspirational fashion businesses.   Gemma Ebelis, Head of PR, British Fashion Council commented: “This exciting opportunity will enable designers to engage directly with their customers; a welcomed development in terms of communicating key messaging surrounding events or bespoke product.This successful technology is a move away from traditional funding models and has been instrumental in raising money within other industries. This September, we look forward to incorporating it into the UK’s fashion arena with activity planned for London Fashion Week”.   


Frost Magazine