The 5 Secrets To Avoiding Acne

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amandaeliasFrom Facial Therapist, Skincare Expert & Bravura London founder, Amanda Elias

With hormones going haywire, teenagers can really suffer from a multitude of problems, one of which is dreaded acne. From mild to severe, acne can be extremely traumatic at such a sensitive age but it really is best to address the problem as early as possible and to get your teenager in to a good skincare regime as soon as possible; prevention is much better than cure.


Cleansing is extremely important but choosing the right product is essential.

Avoid cleansing wipes which don’t cleanse the skin thoroughly enough. Older teenagers tend to prefer a cleansing wash that’s applied and rinsed but younger teens don’t always rinse properly, in which case a light cream cleanser removed with a clean face flannel works best.

Application is important, when teaching a younger teen ensure they massage all over the face and neck, close to the hairline and behind the ears and neck. Cleanse twice in the evening and once in the morning.

Use a gentle treatment daily for acne prone skin; if dryness occurs use the product every other day. If your skin burns or feels itchy, gets very red or you break out in a rash, discontinue use.


A thick fringe (bangs) may be fashionable but it can cause outbreaks in young, oily skin.

Wash the fringe every morning and clip it off the face in the evening and to sleep; trapped dirt and oil will introduce bacteria in to the skin which is why it’s essential to keep any hair that touches the face as clean as possible.


When spots have a head it is so tempting to squeeze but squeezing will not only introduce bacteria in to the open wound but popping the skin could leave a scar, think of what happens when you pop bubble wrap, imagine your skin with that tear in the surface! Neat tea tree oil applied directly on to the spot can help reduce bacteria and dissolve the blockage on the surface. Perform a patch test on the jaw line before applying tea tree all over as it can cause irritation in sensitive skin.

Avoid strong acne products which can irritate sensitive, young skin. A product such as the Dermaflannel (£11.99, is perfect because it gently exfoliates and helps to remove excess oil and dirt from the pores without the need for any harsh chemicals.


Although skincare can help control and heal breakouts, a healthy and active lifestyle can play a big part.

Vitamins and herbal supplements can also play an important role when combating any skincare complaint; a visit to an herbalist or a specialist in vitamins and supplements could be beneficial in balancing the hormones which in turn will control acne.

Make sure anything that comes in to contact with the face is clean; face flannels, towels, hands! And remember to change your pillow regularly.


In teenage skin where acne is very severe, the best option is a visit to the Doctor who will usually recommend a course of antibiotics.

Frost Magazine