3 Beauty Myths Shattered

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amandaeliasWe are all guilty of believing old wives tales or taking myths to the extreme when it comes to beauty. Thanks to the facial therapist, skincare expert and Bravura London founder -Amanda Elias – you can now put these 3 beauty mistakes to bed.

 Blemishes are caused by oily skin 

FALSE. Dry skin can suffer from bacterial breakouts too. Particularly when the skin is dry and flaky as this excess skin will block the pores and cause bacteria to multiply, therefore creating a spot.

Collagen creams will help put collagen back in your skin 

FALSE. The natural collagen in your skin is too deep for any cream to penetrate. A collagen based cream will help nourish your skin but it won’t stimulate the collagen production. Products such as glycolic acid and lactic acid increase skin turnover which in turn can also stimulate collagen.

 Facial oils are only suitable for dry skin 

FALSE. Even oily skin can become dehydrated; but the oil you use is very important. Opt for oils such as Jojoba which has similar properties to your skin’s natural oil, or Castor Oil which can help to clear blocked pores.


Amanda Elias is the founder of Bravura London, which prides itself on providing the best quality, effective pharmaceutical skincare products at affordable prices.