The Wealthy Woman
is a book that is sorely needed. I have lost count of the amount of women I have met who are terrible at finance, and that is saying nothing for the ones that really do think that a man is a financial plan. I mean, they’re really not.
Relying financially on a man causes a lot of problems: he could leave you, he could lose his job, he could treat you badly and you feel you can’t leave because you would be too poor, he could think he has all of the power because he pays the bills…the list goes on. True freedom and happiness comes when a women is financially independent. Can this book help? Yes.
Some finance books can be scary but this one isn’t. In fact it is fun, concise, comprehensive and educational all at once. The author also takes two women, one savvy and one not-so-savvy, and follows them through the years and charts the consequences of their financial decisions. I found this particularly useful. I think a lot of women would read it and it will (hopefully) give them a wake-up call.
The book gives you financial advice for each decade of your life, and where you will end up. It let’s you know that only you can be responsible for your financial future and being an ostrich won’t help at all. It also helps you calculate your net worth, sort out your finances and get out of debt if you have it.
It also covers pensions, saving and investing. In fact, most things are covered in this excellent book. Buy it for yourself or/and the females in your life. It is packed with good advice and tips that could change your life for the better.
‘The Wealthy Woman – a man is not a financial plan’ by Mary Waring has worked with 100s of women helping them take control of their finances.
Far too many women find ‘dealing with the money’ a daunting task and leave it in the hands of their partners. However, this can leave them with little control over their own financial lives and sadly, if they then get divorced or are widowed, they are left floundering with little understanding of how much money they have, or don’t have, and what this means to their lifestyle.
By understanding your finances and taking control you can make your money work for you. That’s the message in Mary Waring’s new book ‘The Wealthy Woman: A Man is Not a Financial Plan: A Woman’s Guide to Achieving Financial Security’.
“Many women tell me that they simply don’t do maths – and this mental block seems to be an epidemic among women everywhere. However, these are often admirable women with high-level jobs. My message is simple – you are more than able to handle all of your finances,” says Mary Waring.
So, do you want to be more confident about your finances? Do you want to be a wealthy woman?
“Wealthy” will mean different things to different women. It doesn’t necessarily mean “rolling in it” and having so much money that you’ll enter The Times ‘rich list’. It may simply mean you feel confident you will have enough money to do the things that you plan to do in the future, no matter how lavish or frugal a lifestyle you lead.
Mary’s book will guide you on your journey to become a wealthy woman by showing you how taking small steps on a regular basis can lead to a significant increase in your wealth.
If you currently have such a lack of control over your finances that you are too afraid to open your credit card statement at the end of the month, this book will show you how to take control.
“The Wealthy Woman” will encourage you to think about your attitude towards money and your relationship with it.
As Mary says; “It’s easy to be wealthy just as it’s easy to be poor. There’s very little difference in the way you can become either. You are in a position where you can improve your wealth. Whatever your dreams and aspirations around money there is nothing to stop you moving towards those dreams.”
Mary Waring is an independent financial adviser and the founder of Wealth For Women, specialising in financial advice to women going through divorce. She is both a Chartered Financial Planner and a Chartered Accountant, being one of only a handful of advisers in the whole of the UK with this high level of qualification.
Mary is passionate about changing the way women think about finance. Too many women stick their head in the sand and ignore it. Or…rely on a man to sort it for them.
‘The Wealthy Woman: A Man is Not a Financial Plan: A Woman’s Guide to Achieving Financial Security’ is available from Amazon and all good bookstores.
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