The Best Wine Glass EVER

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We love this rather cool wine ‘glass’. For once, when you say you are only having one, you can mean it! Novelty and nifty this well designed bottle could have you drunk in a jiffy!

Totally tipsy and no need for topping up this is the goblet of the glasses, it’s quirky and class for a laugh!


Cheeky and cheerful this glass is for those who enjoy a hard earned bottle of the good stuff after a long day at work!

Designed to deliver you with whichever wine you desire, simply fill it with your favourite tipple and drink away. It’s easy to clean, simply swill the surface and wash by hand, ready for the next time you’d like some wine!

You’ll be head over heels (literally) with this awesome invention, so glug away with this great gimmicky gift…as this glass will feel almost endless!

The Wine Bottle Glass is the official creation we’ve all been waiting for…available for only £14.95 from

Frost Magazine