3 Simple (and some) Steps to Fat Loss

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3 Steps (and some) to successfully lose body fat

Hi everyone

I hope you are all doing well and have been enjoying the sun and rain. I see a lot of people are counting down the weeks until summer and are starting to “Workout” to get in shape for summer.

Thats great. I am really glad to see people focusing on addressing any health and fitness issues they have now summer is on its way. And when its all over we can revert back and binge until next year and do it all again, a mad dash of counting down the weeks. Stepping on the scales. Being horrified if we don’t just make it this year or realising we are getting a year older and the quick fixes just aren’t so quick anymore.

OOHHHHH wait wait wait, there is something else we could all do instead.
What is it I hear you scream, tell us now……well its this.

Are you ready?
Here we go……ITS…..

Behave all year round….BOOM shock horror people.

Now Im not saying go crazy fitness fanatic all the time snapping at your friends because they do not follow the new road you are traveling and munching on exactly the same new food you are. Working out everyday for a year. Only eat low calorie (AAAAGGGGGHHHHH) labelled food (you should never eat this crap anyway) and step on the scales every night.

No I am not saying that but what I am saying is so very simple you will kick yourself….or someone else, yes do that, kick someone else.

No what I am saying is with 3 (and some) very simple changes we can make a lot of difference to someone who may be finding it very difficult to do anything at all.

It really is simple and I dare you to try it…..double dare you and see what happens.

OH and again this post and tips are inspired by Strength Coach Dan John danjohn.net

So what do I mean when I say (and some)

Well the 3 steps are not so simple, I mean they are and they are not.
You cant just do the 3 steps and expect great results from them to happen immediately.

The level of commitment differs for everyone, time is ongoing and results may take longer than you wish….but for a true positive lifestyle change I’m sorry but it doesn’t happen just over night.
NO NO NO it does not and anyone who tells you, Lose…..in…. weeks, is in the words of CT Fletcher is a MOTHER F**KING LIAR. FACT.
Thanks CT.

You may not have liked hearing that but its true. So for next years plan of 6 weeks to beach body….please plan a bit further ahead.

Also another huge point of the (And Some) is accountability. This really is the hardest part. Harder than any workout you will do, any foods you will give up and harder than setting the clock earlier by 30 mins to move.

Its the reason so many people are unable to follow on to their goals and instead they quit.

Set backs may happen. Things will seem like they are not going anywhere and people will try to pull you away from the new simple rules you have set but you have to stick with the choice you made.
Otherwise you have no right to complain.

Again as Dan said…..The Goal is to keep the Goal the Goal.
Do not detour. Do not change or add some crazy stuff that has no meaning. Do not follow no crazy which craft (Herbalife ect).
Stick to your guns baby and show me the gun show.

You are accountable for your own results, not me or him or them but you you YOU DAMMIT.

After accountably comes honesty.
Be honest with yourself. Did you do things to the best of your ability? Did you follow the dam instructions? Did you have a sneaky piece of pie or skip that workout?
Be honest with yourself….be honest with me. Please

And another thing is…..keep it simple.
Gimmicks, gadgets, pills and super drinks do not work.
In the age of gladiatorial combatants, to 1970’s bodybuilders to modern day soldiers.
Its all followed the simple rules. Train right eat right move right.

No this or that from the late night shopping channel.
No less this or that and fancy name on food labels.
No upside down intensity training program.

Its as simple as me and thats saying something.

So here we go

Step 1 is simple….Drink 2 Glasses of Water a day.
Thats it. I say again drink 2 glasses of water a day.

You wont believe how many do not or cannot even do this yet will do some other crazy stuff.
Just drink two glasses of water a day….for how long? well here comes the accountability, honestly and time scale.
For as long as you needed or are able to keep the goal the goal.
Yes its simple. see if you can do it before midday, you don’t have too but its something to plan for.
Dam if you need to set an alarm on your phone to go off once or twice saying….DRINK WATER.

Honestly guys if you cannot do this then dam…good luck to you.

Oh and I don’t mean only two glasses…hell drink more but for a hell of a lot of people its enough to just do 2 so that is the first simple goal.

Step 2 is….move more, move better, hell get your ass on the floor.

People our bodies are amazing things and where designed to do amazing things and our minds are amazing things but our minds have made our bodies lazy.
They have fond ways for us to short-cut ourselves.
Remotes, escalators, little scooters with engines on them….dam them all.

Use your body as much as you can. Walk up that small flight of stairs or go up 2 flights in the office before catching the elevator.
Get rid of the remote and get up and turn the TV off/on (off) and sit on the floor more.
Learn to use your amazing body as it should be used, get up and get down. Reach and stretch for things. Roll over and rock back.
The more you can use your body the better you become at moving it the more efficient you will be able to burn fat….boom simple next step.

Step 3 is…….Lets agree
That we should avoid…..or at least cut down (massively) on
Cardboard Carbs-made in a factory
Frankenstein fats-made in a factory
Eat your colourful Veggies-and a big mix of green, red, yellow

Think of it like this….EAT LIKE AN ADULT
If you find this hard then try the Alpo-Dog Food Diet.

Basically invite a load of friends around and explain to them your goal. Tell them if you do not fulfil the goal, you quit, cheat or whatever then you will eat the can of dog food.

And every time you feel like quitting, open the can and have a sniff…..BOOM back on track.

People its that simple to start on the road to fat loss.
You just need to start it and stick to it. Remember you are accountable…..not me.


For more tips, help, bogs, rants and information on personal coaching please visit my website here at Kettlebell Strength 


twitter @KB_strength

Stay strong people.

