Remescar Review: Does It Get Rid of Stretchmarks?

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remescarstretchmarksreviewApparently a huge number of men are suffering from stretch marks as they try to get buff Hollywood bodies in the gym.

30% of customers buying anti-stretch mark products are now male and experts say demand is being driven by men in their mid-30’s ‘pumping iron’ causing their muscles to grow too rapidly for their skin. There has been a growing trend in men – inspired by the likes of Hollywood actors such as Hugh Jackman – to look more masculine and beefy by pumping iron, with fitness magazines advocating ‘quick bulk up’ workouts to get speedy results.

The most susceptible area for men to get stretch marks when they work out is under the arms, where their upper chest and front shoulder muscles connect, due to  the fact that these areas tend to expand more in proportion to the rest of the body. The more pumped up the muscles become, the more the skin stretches.

We were sent some Remescar Silicone Stretch Marks Cream. to review. It is an affordable, non –invasive and clinically proven treatment that has a noticeable effect on scar reduction, most notably a 50% reduction in stretch marks by the people who used it clinical trials. So did it work? Let’s find out from our writer.

“I used this as suggested on the pack. Twice a day. I have to say that it does fade them. I have been using for about a month and there is definitely a difference. It says on the pack that you should use it for 2-3 months but I have already noticed a difference. I like it. I think it is great stuff. I will buy more when it runs out.”

So there you so. Stamp of approval from our (male) writer. Remescar also works on women.

£24.95 for silicone scar cream (100ml)

Remescar Silicone Stretch Marks Cream is available here and Boots stores nationwide and

Frost Magazine