Beauty Resolutions To Stick With

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The New Year always brings out the best of intentions for everyone whether or not these last is another thing, unlike those pesky Christmas pounds. Some resolutions are worth keeping however and these beauty resolutions will pay off in years to come.

Beauty review, Glowing skin, good beauty products.

Throw Out Your Old Makeup

Old makeup is a breeding ground for bacteria. See that little pot icon with a number and an ‘m’ inside on the back of your products? That is the expiry date in months from when they are opened. It will help if you keep a note of when the product was opened as it is easy to forget. Mascara should be replaced every six months and anything over a year old should probably be thrown out. Make sure you wash your makeup brushes too. Wash in warm, soapy water and then leave them to air dry. You can clean them with some mild shampoo or washing up liquid.


Give Your Hair a Break From Heat Damage

Blow drys and hair straighteners can cause significant damage to hair. Hair can end up drier than the Sahara and could even break off. The best way to prevent further damage is to stop using hair dryers and straighteners. Cutting down your use if you can’t quit will help but also use a heat protection spray and a weekly hair mask.


Have a Weekly Facial

You don’t need to go to a professional for a facial. You can do one at home yourself. Double cleanse your face, use a good scrub and then apply a face mask. Regular exfoliation helps skin renew itself as we age and a good face mask will give skin a good amount of moisture.

Do it weekly and your skin will thank you. A facial massage is under-rated and really makes a difference to your skin. It leaves you looking fresher and more toned. Use a face oil and gently massage your skin in circular movements. Work upwards and tap your eye socket starting from the outside.


Stop Sleeping in Your Makeup

This is a huge beauty no-no and not just for your pillow; your skin repairs itself at night but your skin needs to be able to breathe for this to happen. If it is covered in makeup your pores will be suffocated. Free radicals and dead skin cells also build up on the skin if you don’t wash your face. Wash your face as soon as you get in or keep some cleansing wipes handy. Keep the cleansing wipes to a minimum however as they are not as good as washing your face properly.


Always Wear Sunblock

Beauty decisions you make now will affect your looks for the rest of your life. Putting in effort now means looking good ten years down the line. The most important one you can make is to use an SPF everyday. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen which protects from UVA rays, which are ageing, and UVB rays, which burn. It is not just vanity. This will also protect you from skin cancer, something that should be taken more seriously than it is. Wear at least an SPF 15 everyday. You can buy good moisturisers which have an SPF in but wearing a foundation with one in is not enough, you won’t wear enough to get the benefit nor will it cover all of the needed areas. A foundation with an SPF is still a good idea, just make sure you also use a moisturiser or separate sunscreen.


What is your beauty resolution?




Frost Magazine