Words For The Wounded Writing Prize Closes On 11 March

W4WLogoAlt3 Words for the Wounded writing prize closes on 11 March. two grannies Why on earth do three grannies (two shown above) throw themselves out of a plane, strapped to a fit young man, hoping their parachutes open? Well, OK, the fit young man is a bit of a clue. But seriously, why? pic2 janairborne The reasons lie in the past and the present. In the past, both my grandfathers survived the first world war, so just as there were thankful villages who had lost no men, so too there were thankful families. But life isn’t that simple, is it? Gentle Percy, my mother’s father survived but took his own life in 1923. War has long, relentless tentacles which reach out and destroy families, just as surely as bullets do. pic3 poppies Then, about four years ago I met a young  man and his wife. They were both under twenty five. She was pushing him in his wheelchair; his portable ventilator lay on his chest. He’d been shot through the neck in Helmand and is tetraplegic, (paralysed from the neck down). They were both smiling and cheerful but their hopes and dreams were very different now, and everyday life was a mountain in itself.   I decided that, as writers, my two granny friends and I could help not just the wounded, but also aspiring writers. We founded Words for the Wounded and were enormously lucky in our patrons, amongst whom are Julian Fellowes, Louis de Berniers, Katie Fforde, Paddy Ashdown and many others. Julian Fellowes   We decided also that we would earn our donations, not just appeal to the generosity of others; hence the skydive, and hence the Mud Challenge Obstacle Course in August, and hence the LitFest to be held at High Wycombe on 18th April  2015 with Katie Fforde and two Midsomer Murders writers amongst others.   katie-fforde Our main thread, however, is our writing prizes. We have the short category for poetry/fiction/memoir – up to 400 words, with prize money of £400. Entry fee £4.50   This year we are launching The Independent Author Book Award for fiction or memoir, with a 1st prize of a Palamedes PR professional press release. pic 6 palamedes.jpg And a biography and review in Frost Magazine.  Entry fee £12.50 pic7Frost The WforW grannies absorb ALL the costs themselves, so every penny raised goes to the wounded. Our troops put their lives on the line for us, some are killed, many, many,  more sustain life-changing injuries. To help them is the aim of Words for the Wounded. They deserve the best.

For more information: www.wordsforthewounded.co.uk 

Bust Boredom Online

The Christmas season is a wonderful time, families and friends coming together to kick back, relax and enjoy a little time away from the daily grind, celebrating the end of another year. Naturally this was all a lot of fun, though looking past the enormous amounts of food and frivolity, the post-Christmas period can be a rather tedious experience. Bank balances have been drained, the hangover from the season’s parties just doesn’t seem to want to lift, and as such we’re stuck inside, boredom easily setting in. Luckily however, there is one thing that can satiate our desire to actually do something, a cheap, fun, endlessly enjoyable resource; the internet!

ipad tablet

Shopping online is a great way to while away those boring moments, and has long been one of the most popular ways for people to get hold of their favourite wares, and for good reason. There’s hundreds of deals out there, and online retailers are well known for regularly releasing huge numbers of discounts in order to entice wily shoppers. Take, for instance, poster site AllPosters. This site regularly has sales, so if you’re thinking of changing the flavour of your home you should definitely spend an hour or so scrolling through the millions of images on offer.


If your bank balance isn’t up to the task of funding a little online shopping, then injecting some excitement into your post-Christmas period is easy- indulge in a spot of gaming! We’re not talking board games- we want to reduce the levels of stress, after all- but online games. Gaming site Betsson’s selection of titles is very large indeed. With slots, poker, blackjack and plenty of themed games including Game Of Thrones, you’ll have no excuse to go bored this January! If that doesn’t tickle your fancy then there are heaps of apps, downloads and console games that will similarly shield you from the ravages of boredom! Kongregate has a huge number of browser games, many of which are in complete 3D, and if you enjoy the MMO experience, Planetside 2, a first person shooter that hosts literally hundreds of players in battles could be a great way to pass the time!


January doesn’t have to be all about relaxation, and if you’ve got a rather large amount of free time until you get back to work then now is a great time to get planning for the year ahead. Been putting off researching that career or education move you’ve been hankering for? Crack out the laptop and get looking- you won’t regret it when you’re sitting pretty in February, all plans having been set into motion.


If none of the above has done enough to beat back banality, then there are still better things to do than pointlessly surfing clickbait sites. Instead, sign up to a site like stumbleupon! On these kinds of sites you can choose a number of interests which the website then uses to come up with fun, interesting and thought-provoking content for your consumption. You’ll never be bored again!




Spiralizer Review: Is This The Coolest Kitchen Gadget?

Spiralizer review

vegan bolognese courgette pastaI never thought I would be the type to write about a kitchen gadget but here it is: my love for my Westmark Spiromat 11332260 Spiralizer. My spiralizer was actually a birthday present from my brother. Even weirder for me, to ask for something domestic for my birthday. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not domestic. But if anything will turn anyone into a (one-time) domestic goddess it is the spiralizer. I made vegan bolognese with it. (Above picture)

So what does it do? Well it turns vegetables into noodles and pasta. Yes, that’s it. Why so good? Well it’s fun to use and instead of having carbs you can have courgette pasta. Which is absolutely delicious and very healthy.Frankly I am obsessed and I am not the only one. Blogger Deliciously Ella featured the spiralizer on her blog and it sold out on Amazon.

Although the Spiralizer looks hard to clean, you can just pop it in the dishwasher. It comes with a few different attachments for variety and it is very easy to use. Because it is fun to use you use it more, therefore you eat more healthy. I should stop now as it is ruining my street cred to gush so much about a kitchen appliance but I really do love it. Vegetable noodles and pasta are great and less stodgy than the real thing. I still love pasta but I do find it heavier and more filling. This gadget is also perfect for the gluten intolerant.


You can buy a spiralizer here.



Great Movies For a Couple’s Night In

couple's night in, night in, The daily drag can become rather monotonous at times. Wake up, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, repeat; such a routine could make even the most positive individuals among us screech with boredom. For couples, this monotony can be even more tedious, repetition ruining an otherwise blissful co-habitation. If you need an injection of fun though, getting your fix isn’t difficult- just pop on a movie, tear open a bag of popcorn and have a couple’s night in! Here are some of the top films if you’re struggling which to pick.




A genre often reserved for couples that feature a man who is highly permissive, romantic films aren’t all painful watching for guys and there are a host out there that both partners will enjoy. For those dabbling in hipsterdom, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is a fun, rock-filled bet, or perhaps you’d both like to go classic with the Woody Allen original Annie Hall. Failing these two, Lost in Translation is a great flick that dabbles in romance whilst still preserving the humour of Bill Murray that any film-lover will enjoy.


The opposite of romance flicks, most guys would be stunned if their beloved offered to watch an action film, but the experience doesn’t have to be a Michael Bay explosion-fest. The Bourne Trilogy- they’re all very good- is a great mix of action and espionage, plus a little romance for the ladies, whilst Johnny Depp’s drug docudrama Blow will enthral both of you. Oceans Eleven and Twelve are also two pretty good picks; both paint a very true picture of the high-stakes, dangerous lifestyles of casino thieves, and are naturally a great choice if you or your partner are interested in the new craze of online gambling sweeping the globe! If you’re enthused after watching, a great, fun idea could be to join Euro casino games lounge for a few online rounds of poker together; you won’t be able to card count, but hey- don’t let that ruin the fun!




Scary films are a great divider when it comes to date nights. Having one spook-averse member of the couple regularly stops the notion in its tracks, though if both of you love a little scare. The Shining is a classic that’s not too gory, so could be a good choice, plus the performances by Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall. 28 Days Later, a haunting zombie flick that still keeps a nice bit of indie filmmaking swagger, is also a lot of fun to watch, Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle not getting too bogged down in zombie killing, gore and action, instead focusing largely on emotion and character development.



Zuzka … Capturing The Power Of Nature


Zuzka front coverZuzka logo

With time being today’s luxury, finding cosmetics and treatments that make the most of our time-consuming beauty maintenance is a constant struggle.
I’ve been using three products from the Zuzka ‘Botanicals’ range for the last few weeks, a brand founded by Susan Kohutova, a qualified beauty specialist and registered medical herbalist, with over 20 years experience as a consultant and therapist for some of the top cosmetic companies. Susan suffered herself with an extremely sensitive and allergy-prone skin and realised there was a great need for a product range free from the main skin irritants that cause such distress for certain skins when used on a daily basis. In order to develop her own formulas, Susan studied Medical Herbalism and discovered the incredible healing powers of herbs, plants and flowers, utilising these precious natural ingredients to their best potential. The brand name ‘Zuzka’ is Slovakian for ‘Susan’, inspired by her Slovakian husband.
The packaging is functional, practical and purist, aimed at the modern woman whose intelligence is reflected as much in her health and beauty care as it is in her career choices. The results on my skin were visible and tangible, I could apply my make-up more easily and my skin stayed fresh and supple during the day.
Zuzka makes caring for your skin a pleasurable experience by providing the highest quality therapeutic products with fresh natural aromas that produce beneficial, satisfying results at a very competitive price.
Without the obligatory harsh fragrances associated with so many beauty products on the market at the moment, but simple, light scents, the plant extracts act deep-down, improving skin action to improve tone and texture with a bare-feel sensation.
 rejuvenating creamOrganic rosehip oilRose Petal Facial Spritz

Argenine Hydroxy Rejuvenation Cream 50ml – £36.99

A high performance cream containing Argenine Hydroxy, Zuzka’s exclusive ‘Botanical Botox’ formula, which offers intense correction of wrinkles and expression lines, offering a relaxing anti-inflammatory effect on tired, stressed looking skin.  This product produces beautifully subtle results with great safety. 

Rose Petal Facial Spritz – £18.99 – 150ml

The beautiful aromatic rejuvenating waters of rose petal, witch-hazel and frankincense, sooth and refresh the skin, closing open pores.

Organic rosehip oil for mature skin – £18.99 – 30ml

A luxurious, soothing, rejuvenating, collagen-boosting precious oil for mature skin, containing organic oils of rosehip, calendula, evening primrose, jojoba and the ultimate cell regenerating ingredient, rose essential oil.

There are five main skincare ranges:
Ocean Spa – toning and detoxifying
Honey Glow – soothing and therapeutic
Derma Care – deep pore treatment
Botanicals – rejuvenating and anti-aging
Cocoa Spa – revitalising and antioxidant

With a myriad of colours that would rival any cosmetic counter, a selection for men and tantalising beauty kits, this range is definitely worth a try!

eyeshadowmenbeauty kit

• Not tested on animals
• 100% pure mineral make-up
• Free from sulphates, parabens (chemicals which have preservative qualities, frequently used in cosmetics and other over-the-counter beauty and health care products such as shampoos and toothpastes), mineral oils, synthetic ingredients and artificial fragrance.
Shop online at www.zuzkanaturalbeauty.co.uk


Why The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Acting Career Is To Quit

acting tips, acting career, acting, advice, book, how to be a successful actor, quit, Catherine BalavageI know what you are thinking: what? That makes no sense. But bear with me. I have been acting for a long time. Since I was a teenager and in that time I have had some amazing parts, met amazing people and worked on projects that I was proud of. Also in that time I worked with a lot of jerks, had some terrible auditions, worked on awful projects and had some really awful experiences. My hair was always in a state of recovery because some over-zealous make up person had gone to town on it, my breasts were always being taped down by gaffer tape because costume people ‘didn’t know what to do with them’ and I was working too damn hard in an industry where the pay had not only not risen, but was actually the lowest in fourteen years. I kept almost getting the life-changing parts but lost out at the final hurdle. To put it frankly, I had had enough.

The last straw was working on a film on which I sustained a serious back injury. I damaged a disc and also had nerve damage. Over a year of painful physiotherapy followed. It was a nightmare. It was the last straw. ‘I quit’ I told my husband. ‘I just can’t do this anymore’. But it was only then the moment of clarity came; ‘Don’t quit’, my husband said, ‘You are too talented and have too much to offer. Take a break and then go back to it’. Cue the previously mentioned moment of clarity. He was right. Quit, but then go back.

The truth was, I just wasn’t into it anymore. I hated auditions, I hated working, I hated all of the BS that came with acting. So I quit, wrote my acting book, and by the time I was ready to go back I was in love with acting again. I wanted to make films again. I wanted to be on a television set. The break gave me the distance needed to realise why I had become an actor in the first place. I rediscovered all of the things I loved about working in the entertainment industry, which is the only way you can deal with all of the stuff you don’t love about it.

When your heart isn’t in something it comes across. You just have to take a break and go do something else for a while. Get a good-paying job and build up your bank account, travel, learn a new skill. Do anything but quit acting. It just might be the best thing for your acting career that you ever do.


If you are an actor then check out my book How To Be a Successful Actor: Becoming an Actorpreneur. It is available in print and in all eBook formats on both Smashwords and Amazon



King Lear William Shakespeare Théâtre de Nesle Review – Paris

King Lear  William Shakespeare Théâtre de Nesle Review – ParisHow do you put Shakespeare’s King Lear on a stage the size of a postage stamp with 6 actors (3m,3f) running 90 minutes?

The answer is – carefully.

This is a very careful production with everything timed meticulously.  The 6 actors obviously play many parts each and the changes of costume/character are carefully thought through and executed with a seamless precision; one actor walking past another who is ready to hand the scarf and take the jacket that indicates the character change (for example).  The staging is organised and choreographed to the centimetre and the use of the sparse décor (rostra particularly) highly effective.


The text has been cut intelligently and some of the subplots sacrificed to bring the running time to the 90 minutes that the theatre demands.


What the production lacks is a certain passion and a rhythm.  The poetry of the verse has been sacrificed in the interests of clarity – creating a rather controlled and intellectual production.  But then this is a question of personal taste when it comes to Shakespeare and I prefer passion.  The intricacies of the plots and the machinations of Goneril and Regan – not to mention Edmund – are abundantly clear and easy to follow; the surtitles enabling those whose English is not “native” to keep up to speed.


On the whole a huge “bravo” to the entire team and a production well worth watching if you are in Paris soon.


Colin David Reese