Top 10 Tips On How To Look Amazing In Pictures

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Here is my definitive advice to all of you wanting to get amazing images every time no matter what. It’s all about angles and lighting. Here I will share with you a my top tips.

This will help you when you need a go to quick fire list to remind you. I have been a photographer for many years and grew up in a house with a darkroom and studio. My father was a photographer and artist. My mother was a model, so you can see where I get the passion for fashion, style and photography from.

Along with my main job as session nail technician, its all about creating amazing images. My desire to write for you guys comes from a need to help others. Be it beauty advice, great recipes or fashion and style inspiration. Its also a little photography outlet for myself and my husband. All the articles I write need pictures and what better way to get creative than set up little shoots for each and every one!

How To Look Good In Pictures

Top tips on how to look amazing in pictures.


  1. 1. Wear clothing that you feel amazing in. If you know your going out and having tons of pictures taken throughout the day or night its important to feel good from various angles. If you hate your upper arms then wear a dress that hides the tops of the arms. You will instantly feel more confident. Or failing that dash out and purchase MAC Face & Body. Most makeup artists I work with use this for runway shows, magazine shoots and editorials. I own a fair few bottles in different shades and its my best buddy if my arms are looking a little blotchy or pasty. Our secret ok!
  2. Invest in the best underwear. Tight and ill-fitting garments just look terrible, especially if shot from behind. Purchase t-shirt bras and seam free pants. Nude is always best in my book. Yes I do own rather a lot of Bridget style pants and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
  3. Don’t use a flash. Natural lighting is always best. I totally hate flash photography when done the wrong way. It can make makeup and clothing look terrible, whats worse.. when food is involved. Don’t do it…Whenever I ever see that dreaded flash go off snapping a beautiful plate of food I die inside just a little every time!! Turn it off and see how it looks. Yes I know there are times when your in a dark restaurant…Then that is telling you its not appropriate. If you really need to snap your food, then go out mid afternoon!
  4. Cloudy days are actually perfect for portrait photography as the sky has a natural light diffuser.
  5. Always turn to your side as this will create a softer prettier look for us girlies. If you need to lift an arm and place it on a hip do so.
  6. Use sunglasses, bags or a hat if you don’t know what to do with your hands.
  7. Practice posing in the mirror. It sounds narcissistic but it will help you the more that you do it.
  8. Always wear heels as this will create confidence.
  9. If you are having your picture taken from the front tuck your arms into your sides as this will create a longer leaner frame.
  10. Lastly Smile. Even if your not looking at the camera. You might look a little crazy but when the images come through you will look radiant and stunning.