Pimm’s Cider Cup & Pimm’s Summer Crush Review

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pimms frozen and pimms cider cup review, pimm's

It is a bank holiday and to start you off we have reviewed two new additions to the Pimm’s family: Pimm’s Cider Cup and Pimm’s Summer Crush. Pimm’s Cider Cup is a very British combination that tastes great. Refreshing and perfect for a hot summers day. It even has hints of strawberry and cucumber. Cider AND Pimm’s in one? What is there not to love about it?

The new Pimm’s Cider Cup is a wonderfully British combination of the crisp taste of English cider and the glorious flavours of Pimm’s. It wouldn’t be the same without a hint of strawberry and cucumber, so the makers of Pimm’s have kindly added that in too. There’s no need for chopping – it’s a union made in heaven.

Simply pour straight from the bottle onto lots of ice, gather your friends and enjoy the fruits of Pimm’s labour in the very latest and tastiest creation wherever, whenever.

Now available in retailers across the land, the new Pimm’s Cider Cup (RRP £2.29 for 500ml) will also be available in pubs and bars with an RRP of £4.50.

Pimm’s Cider Cup is available to buy in Morrisons.co.uk, Tesco.com and Asda.com in a 500ml bottle (4% ABV, RRP £2.29), or in pubs / bars for £4.50.

pimm's pimms, pimm's frozen cup

Pimm’s Summer Crush is delicious and refreshing. Perfect to cool off and can be even eaten as a dessert, or put in a glass to drink. It tastes great and even though it is frozen, it doesn’t taste watered down. The taste of Pimm’s is there along with a hint of strawberry and cucumber. Just wonderful.

Offering another brilliant way to enjoy a Pimm’s O’clock moment this summer, Pimm’s Summer Crush – best served in a long glass with friends – is the ultimate summer refresher.

All you need to do is pop the pouches in the freezer for eight hours and squeeze the ready to serve frozen drink into a glass – what’s more, they also double up as a Frozen Granita dessert!

Pimm’s Summer Crush (4.7% ABV) is available to buy as a 250ml pouch in Tesco and all major retailers for RRP £2.99.





Frost Magazine