MONEY PIZZA RESPECT By Josh ‘The Fat Jew’ Ostrovsky Book Review

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MONEY PIZZA RESPECT By Josh ‘The Fat Jew’ Ostrovsky

Social media superstar @thefatjew has written a searingly honest and completely hilarious autobiographical book. It is amusing and fun: full of hilarious stories and humorous pictures. Ever wanted to see the author in a beef jerky bikini? Of course you do. There may even be an inappropriate (accidental?) shot of the authors, ahem, testicles. There is also lots of drug taking so…don’t try this at home kids, or anywhere else. Just read about Josh Ostrovsky a.k.a. The Fat Jew doing it instead. That is the best way. This book will not be to everyone’s taste but the author has laid himself bare- literally and figuratively, and that is commendable. 

Money, Pizza, Respect is available here. Josh Ostrovsky a.k.a. The Fat Jew has written a book about himself. It will be the funniest book you will ever read.

MONEY PIZZA RESPECT By Josh ‘The Fat Jew’ Ostrovsky Published by Hardie Grant, priced £16.99 Hardback

Follow on Instagram and twitter @thefatjewish



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