Torbay Poetry Festival 2016 Competition. £700 1st Prize

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As Frost Magazine readers know, we are always supportive of writing events, and here’s one for all the poets out there.


Torbay Poetry Festival 2016 Poetry Competition is open for entries now. Poems submitted must be original, unpublished and not accepted for publication. They should be written in English and not exceed 50 lines. To give you an idea of the standard, please take a look at John Greening’s report on the Torbay Poetry Festival Competition Winners 2015 on the Torbay Poets Website website. All entries must be received by 6.00pm on 28th August 2016. Very best of luck!




Sue Boyle won The Poetry Business pamphlet competition in 2010 with Too Late for the Love Hotel and has a poem in The Forward Poems of the Decade, 2011. Her book Report from the Judenplatz was performed in full at the Torbay Festival of Poetry in 2014. Her first full collection, Safe Passage from Oversteps, came out last year.


Sue runs regular Writing Days for the Bath Poetry Cafe and organised the Cafe’s Short Poem Competition in 2015. Her wordpress site Sue Boyle features the ongoing story of last year’s Cafe Competition, with reviews of many of the successful poems and helpful insights from the twelve experienced Cafe judges for competition poets who aspire to win.



£700 FIRST PRIZE, plus free weekend at the poetry festival, (27th – 31st Oct 2016), including accommodation and Festival Pass.

£400 second prize plus a free Festival Pass.

£200 third prize plus ticket for the Festival supper for two.

ENTRANCE FEE:  £5 per poem or 5 poems for £20 for entries received by post. Online entries are £5 each because of additional admin costs in time and printing.

Closing date:  August 28th 2016

Winners to be announced at the PRIZE-WINNERS’ PARTY on Saturday 29th October, at the Torbay Poetry Festival, Livermead Cliff Hotel,Torquay, Devon where short-listed poets will be invited to read their poems.


For further information:



Frost Magazine