Domination of Screens Taking Its Toll On Children’s Reading, Learning And Behaviour

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At Frost we are great believers in the value of reading, as you will have notices from the number of books we review.

So, it’s no surprise to know that new research has revealed that a book at bedtime can boost a child’s brain power, accelerate academic achievement and reduce the risk of behavioural problems.


MRI scans show that reading to children from an early age actually increases activity in parts of the brain involved with language, particularly those regions which are critical for spoken language and reading.


Better understanding of the neurobiology of the brain has also shown how diet and digital technology can influence reading and cognition.


But the latest research, underlining the importance of reading, points to problems ahead. Research from Equazen, suggests that a worrying number of British children are turning their backs on books. 


Leading neuroscientists believe that our reading is more superficial when we use a screen, but a survey of parents has shown nine out of ten children have access to a tablet or Kindle.


I endorse this. As an author I write more succinctly, and superficially for screen than for print. A new report, SOMETHING FISHY ABOUT READING, authored by Philip Calder, Professor of Nutritional Immunology at the University of Southampton and an advisor to Equazen and independent dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton examines the very latest data and explores new research into literacy and brain function. And it reveals a complex interplay between reading, cognition, behaviour, diet and lifestyles.


It seems reading alters the way we thinkand interestingly improves blood flow to the brain though, but e- devices may lead to ‘digital brain’ and reduced concentration. The report supports the benefit of omega-3 fatty acids, which I take. . 


Might be wroth trying some omega-3 for the kids, and ourselves. Equazen do a range which is suitable for pregnancy, babies from six months to three years, a liquid for children who don’t like pills, and a chew .


You can find these Equazen products at pharmacies, and health food shops.