Ice cream for the festive season

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Judes ice cream toddy pecan

Two new flavours from Judes

Christmas is just a few weeks away and you need something to go with all those mince pies and Christmas puddings. If you like ice-cream then Judes have a couple of new offerings that are ideal for the festivities.

Brown Butter Pecan (£3.00 for 500g) is full of swirls of caramel, lovely buttery flavours and chunks of real caramelised nuts. It is absolutely delicious and is made with stacks of fresh milk and natural ingredients.

If you like the flavour of whisky, the firm also has a Hot Toddy ice cream (£4.79 for 500g), made with cinnamon and Laphroaig single malt whisky. Again, it is just the sort of thing to serve in depths of winter, preferably in front of a blazing fire or – if you can’t manage that – a warm radiator.

Frost Magazine