National Poetry Day: Tigress Tigress Poem From What Do You Think?

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poetry, poetry book, poems, women authors, Scottish writers, poetry book, female writers,Happy National Poetry Day! To celebrate here is a poem from our editor Catherine Balavage’s new poetry book What do you think? A collection of poems. Enjoy and send us your favourite poems.


Tigress, Tigress.

She lies on the ground.

Silent as night.

Pouncing on her prey.

She gives it a fright.

Tigress, Tigress.

Don’t become extinct.

Tigress, Tigress.

What do you think?

When a hunter comes along,

What do you think?

She looks at her cubs.

Clear as day,

Some day they will have to go away.

She feels proud, keeps her head up high.

Tigress, Tigress.

Don’t become extinct.

Tigress, Tigress.

What do you think?

When a hunter comes along,

What do you think?

She closes her eyes.

Feels someone watching.

Ready for attack.

She puts her cubs to safety.

Tigress, Tigress.

What do you think?

Tigress, Tigress.

When a hunter comes along,

What do you think?

(I think this was the first poem I ever wrote. It was written in November of 1996 and I got a lot of positive comments about it. Along with a lot of encouragement. It was the start of everything and for that I am thankful).

Tigress Tigress is taken from What do you think? A Collection of Poems by Catherine Balavage. Available in ebook and print format now.


Frost Magazine