Thoughts on Secret Santas and the gifts received. By Milly Adams

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I was given these: a selection of Dove handcreams. As one of those whose skin gets dry in the winter, or much of the time actually, they were a perfect gift. They really work. One was Derma Spa youthful vitality, for young-looking skin (shame it’s not an all over cream. Another: Intensive for restored and extra soft skin, and Derma Spa Goodness, for extremely soft and luminous skin.

I was thrilled to bits with them, quite frankly, so was intrigued to know the results of Hawkin’s Bazaar’s fun survey on Secret Santas gifts .

Hawkin’s Bazaar(the toy/gift/gadget retailer) quizzed Brits on some aspect of their Secret Santa shopping/thoughts:

4 in 10 Brits admit to re-gifting their Secret Santa gift – ooh, bad people, though I have done the same, I have to admit. So bad bad me too.

Two-thirds believe they buy the perfect gift. A quarter described their last Secret Santa gift as ‘pointless, bizarre or boring’. Oh dear, back to the drawing board.

43% declared the perfect gift should be something funny

What is clear is that the Secret Santa tradition is still going strong, and I rather like it, I have to say, but clearly some thought has to go to who would like what. And David Mordecai, CEO of Hawkin’s Bazaar agrees and there’s still time to get it right.

It’s great to see the Secret Santa tradition still going strong. When it comes to shopping for that surprise gift, it’s best to offer some thought for who you’re buying for – so they’ll be truly impressed and chuffed with their special present.”

Frost Magazine