Business Of Books: Jane Cable talks to publishing polymath, Liz Barnsley

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Jane Cable talks to publishing polymath, Liz Barnsley

What is your book related job or business?

First of all I’m a reader and reviewer with my own website, Liz Loves Books  – all done for the love of it. On the professional side I work freelance as a submission reader for Orenda books and now as an Editor and Publicity Manager for Lisa Hall at Manatee, our new digital publishing venture. I also take on individual editing, first draft critique and proof reading amongst other things. I also have a “day job” which I’m loathe to give up as I love that too – so all in all it is a busy bookish life and a busy life life! Going into this venture with Lisa was a no brainer for me however – she is an incredible writer and a voracious reader and she knows what a good book looks like and how to get it out there. Who wouldn’t want to be part of that?


What is the most rewarding part of it?

Definitely the most rewarding part is seeing the book complete and published and finding a readership – every little that I do to help that happen gives me a huge buzz. I also like the collaborative side of editing when I’m excited about a story and the author is excited about their story – it is all hugely satisfying seeing that spark of an idea become a brilliant novel. I have to say I love reading the raw material before it goes through all the stages, seeing the talent and story emerge from underneath that first sprawl of creativity. I never tire of reading the same narrative during the tweaks because you get a whole different sense of it every time. Ultimately (hopefully!) the white noise disappears and you are left with a beautiful, readable, emotionally resonant or edge of the seat story that you can send out into the world.


What do you consider to be your major successes?

Manatee is in the very early stages at the moment so I don’t think we can claim any major successes just yet – although I’m very excited by the authors we have signed so far, all of whom are bringing something different to the table and are putting their trust in us. We focus on crime and women’s fiction – I look after the crime and Lisa looks after the women’s fiction and all our authors so far have written, in my opinion, absolutely excellent, engaging and addictive stories. Also it was somewhat of a confidence boost that bestselling crime writer Neil White had enough faith in Manatee to entrust to us his non crime novel Lost In Nashville. We have persuaded him he might want to write some more fiction for us – he is an incredible writer both within the crime genre and out of it. Watch this space. He will probably tell me off now as he’s busy with his next amazing crime novel for Bonnier Zaffre – but it had to be said that he is certainly not a one trick pony. Now he’ll tell me off some more…


Have you always loved books and what are you reading at the moment?

I have ALWAYS loved books. I’ve read many books a week every week since I was very young and I can’t see that stopping anytime soon even though I’m now rather older. Right now I’m reading a brilliant and highly atmospheric novel called “The Monsters Daughter” by Michelle Pretorius – look out for that one – but also several others as I multi read, they include The Innocent Wife by Amy Lloyd, Need to Know by Karen Cleveland, The Fate of the Tearling by Erica Johansen and Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw. Great books all.


Manatee Books focuses on quality, ethical, author focused digital publishing. Their aim is to bring a wide range of exemplary fiction to a broad readership, time and time again.

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