Hape’s Little Splashes reviewed by Milly Adams

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Frost is looking at things with an eye to Christmas looming  on the horizon ( a time I love) but these  Hape products will make a great gift, NOW. Why?  It will give the grown up a bit of a break when they try to convince their offspring that bath or shower time actually can be a pleasurable experience.

What’s more, they have been well and truly tested by the junior members of the Graham family, and I just wish I’d had them while their mothers were young. It would have saved much grizzling and bad temper,  from those in the water, not to mention from me, the one trying to make it fun.

Hape’s Little Splashes range worked on our little ones wonderfully well. They do actually entertain. They are said to create a bond between parent and child, whilst learning valuable water skills, encouraging growth and development. I think what the child learns is to enjoy water, and treat it with respect, and see its potential so it’s just a short step from general enjoyment to learning to swim in the pool.

Hape Teddy and Friends Bath Squirts £14.93 from Amazon are suitable from birth.

Hape Pop-up Teddy Shower Buddy  £16.69 from Amazon:  Children can watch as Mr Teddy does his thing, making the perfect shower buddy. Gaze as the water falls from teddy’s cloud. Suitable for 12 months +.

Hape Swimmer Teddy Wind-up Toy £16.69 from Amazon Wind up and watch him go with this adorable little edition. Children can enjoy the magic as Mr Teddy performs his swimming tricks. Suitable for 12 months +.

Do take note that all Hape products are created using non-toxic finishes, water based paints and only the highest quality child safe materials.


Milly Adams’s latest novel pub by Arrow is The Waterway Girls







Frost Magazine