When it comes to sexism parenting is rife with it. Women are asked how they juggle having children and a job, men rarely, if ever. Most parenting events for mother are 9-5 Monday-Friday, and the events for men are on a weekend. Because women don’t work, right? Because men don’t look after their own children? It infuriates me. Anyway, on to the case in point. In America President Obama (and he still is, just. Sniff) signed the Bathrooms Accessible in Every Situation Act. It doesn’t cover restaurants yet, but it is a start. America is behind the UK when it comes to maternity leave, and general maternal care, so we should take their lead on this. It is sexism pure and simple. Sexist against men but sometimes women just want a break. There has been times when I have to change our son because my husband can’t go into the ladies room to change him. It is BS. We have to start lobbying our MP and doing what we can. Ask restaurants and other places to have the baby changing in both bathrooms, or a separate one that both parents can go into. There has to be more equality in parenting, and men’s bathrooms having baby changing is a good start.