Michael Rowan welcomes the return of an Icon

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In 1840 James Pimm, a successful entrepreneur, established himself as ‘the Oyster Man’ within the Square Mile, where he served oysters together with his famous Pimm’s No 6.

Pimm’s No 6 disappeared in the early 1900s but has been brought back in 2018 thanks to an imaginative partnership between Seafood Merchants, the Wright Brothers and Pimms, to once again offer the classic pairing of Oysters and Pimm’s No 6.

Intrigued, a friend and I headed for Kingsley Road, a busy thoroughfare in the heart of London’s Soho to see for ourselves if history was worth repeating.

The Wright Brother’s Seafood Restaurant, one of three restaurants (the other two are at Spitalfields and Battersea) are serving their Oysters together with Pimm’s No 6 for the summer.

The white tiled restaurant with its antiqued mirrors has a suitably relaxed and friendly vibe where the friendly staff are so passionate about the food it would be impossible not be swept up in their enthusiasm.

The Pimm’s No 6 is delicious and refreshing, Pimm’s Vodka Cup with Botanical Tonic water poured over ice and completed with a twist of orange peel to release its citrus oil and a sprig of lavender to add a welcome dash of colour.

To be honest I could drink Pimm’s No 6 on its own but with the most delicious oysters our taste buds were transported to another level and the face of my companion said it all. If Pimms No 6 tastes of summer then the Oysters most definitely taste of the sea.

Oysters from Morecombe, Lindisfarne and Waterford Bay, Ireland, nestled on a bed of crushed ice and tasted as fresh as the sea where the only accompaniment required was a wedge of lemon, and a salad onion Vinaigrette and of course a glass of Pimm’s No 6

Pimm’s No 6 is exclusive to Wright Brothers Restaurant’s and will be served at various iconic events in London including the Wimbledon Championship.

At school I was taught that history repeats itself and in the case of Oysters and Pimm’s No 6, I for one am very glad that it does.

To purchase Pimm’s No 6: www.harveynichols.com/brand/pimm-s/328701-number-6-vodka-cup/p2596460/

