MumsThread On The Kindness of Strangers

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baby, shared parental leave, feminism, equality, childcare, leave, maternal, work, working mothers, lean inMy last few pieces have been quite negative so I thought I would share something positive today: just how kind people can be when you have a child. That knowing look that other parents give you, that it-is-going-to-be-okay smile that complete stranger do to make you feel better. I remember trying to get into my flat once and struggling to get the pram through the heavy door, a man in a van stopped and asked if I needed help, followed by two other people. That was three people in a row. I was really touched and it made my day. I didn’t want to put any of them out- the pram just needed an extra push at that point- but when you are a parent, especially one with a baby, any kindness really does make your day.

I have had people come up to me in restaurants and tell them how beautiful my son is (I know, proud mum alert). Babies and toddlers are social lubricant. I have talked to more people since I had my son than I had in years. It does feel like when you have a child you enter some kind of club. Not in a bad way, just in a way that other parents will usually strike up a conversation or try to help if they can. Having a child opens up an entire new world. I took my son to Baby Ballet recently, and it was so sweet seeing him with all of the other children, but it was also great being surrounded by other parents. Having a child can be an isolating experience, any kindness you can get, any human contact at all can make or break a day. I am grateful to every single person who took their time. Even if it was just a smile.

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