I sometimes think I’m in a parallel universe!
Is there a link between autism and Alzheimer’s? I sometimes think so? As a special educational needs co-ordinator I often come across parents who talk about obsessions in their children’s behaviours. This has been a similar thread throughout this journey. It began with jam and cornflakes!
I remember going to see our consultant when Bob was in denial about his diagnosis.
‘Tell the Dr about the cornflakes,’ I cajoled.
‘What about the cornflakes?’ Bob snapped.
‘You know the fact we’ve got 18 packets of Special K with red fruit on the larder shelf!’
‘Yes well that’s because they are on offer at Co-op and I’m saving money.’
‘But what about the jams?’ I continued as Bob kicked me under the table to shut up.
‘Well, they are all different flavours’, he explained to the doctor (All 20 jars of them). This was the thing with Bob he was so clever he always had an answer which sounded quite reasonable.
Then there was the obsession with buying the same type of things. The shirts, the mugs, records, and strangely hoodie.! Most bizarre for someone that had never wore a hoodie in his life!
Then there was the collecting of things like leaves, – full carrier bags brimmed to the top with leaves picked during Autumn walks. A neighbour told me about the litter picking too and the going through the neighbours bins checking they had put the correct things in the correct bins!
Then re- distributing anything he found into the correct bin!
Our neighbours were always tolerant and kind. Even the shop keepers were lovely letting me take back items he bought for a full refund.
But how strange. Just another stage of the dementia which I managed as best I could.