Actress Phina Oruche turns her hand to storytelling – by Annie Clarke

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Actress Phina Oruche whose show Identity Crisis was a hit at the Edinburgh Fringe and on UK tour, has graced our screens for years – and now she has turned her hand to storytelling.

During the Covid-19 crisis, Oruche has been learning to home-school and find creative ways to teach and motivate her son. The result is her debut children’s book, Jacopo Jacopo Football Star.

Writing in response to the challenges faced by many parents during the Covid-19 lockdown, she’s created an accessible and fun read for children.

Jacopo Jacopo follows a mixed heritage 10-year-old boy on his journey from grassroots football to signing with a Premier League team. This is an endearing story about a dream, a fragile family, and friendships while getting your game on. A native of Liverpool, Oruche brings to life this incredible city in her new book. Locals can see themselves and their city in this inspiring story which accurately and invitingly presents Liverpudlian culture to a wider audience.

Penning a story about one boy’s footballing journey, Oruche aims to motivate children, particularly young boys, to read more now and in the future. Phina Oruche comments, I love reading and books and the flight of the word imagined. Stories have changed my life, kept me company and everything in between. I would love to foster a love of reading real books in my son and other children. I would much prefer the glow of a night light and a cheeky read than a hidden screen any night of the week.

Jacopo Jacopo Football Star Writer Phina Oruche Age Guidance 7+

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Annie Clarke is the author of Wedding Bells on the Home Front