6 Benefits of Sleeping on Your Side

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Most of us don’t put much thought into what sleeping position we sleep in at night. We’re often more worried about getting enough sleep or being able to fall asleep in the first place. But the position you choose to sleep in could be having an impact on your health. 

Side sleeping is the most common sleeping position in the U.S. Research has shown that people who sleep on their side are often much healthier than people who choose to sleep on their back or their front. The health benefits of sleeping on your side can range from enhancing brain health to relieving aches and pains. If you want to learn about some of the other benefits of sleeping on your side, then keep reading below:

  1. It Can Support Brain Health

While this benefit may come as a surprise to you, sleeping on your side could actually help to support our brain health. The Journal of Neuroscience states that while we sleep, our bodies work hard to clear out any waste left behind in our brains. If our brains do this effectively, it could help reduce our chances of getting neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s, and it could help to increase our brain activity and longevity. Research has shown that sleeping on your side can help with this process. 

  1. It Can Reduce Your Aches and Pains

If you struggle with aches and pains, then now might be the time to start sleeping on your side. You will need a good mattress for side sleepers and a supportive pillow, which you can place between your knees. Sleeping in this position allows your spine to remain extended and neutral, which helps reduce neck and back pain. It has also been shown to help relieve pressure on your wrists.

  1. It Can Reduce Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Sleep apnea and snoring occur when you struggle to breathe while you’re sleeping. This happens when your airway closes or becomes restricted. Sleeping on your side will help you to keep your airway open. This will allow you (and your partner) to get a better night’s sleep.

  1. It Can Be Good for Digestion

Research has shown that sleeping on our left side can help improve digestion and help to regulate bowel movements. So, if you’re struggling with infrequent bowel movements, why not give sleeping on your left side a try? 

  1. It Can Help Relieve Heartburn

Lots of us struggle with heartburn. The symptoms of heartburn (or GERD) include regurgitating food when you burp, a burning sensation in your chest or throat, having the sensation of a lump in your throat, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing.

The symptoms of heartburn often get worse when we lie down. This can make falling to sleep and sleeping through the night a real challenge. However, you may find that lying on your left side with pillows under your head and neck will help to relieve some of the symptoms you’re experiencing. If you still experience symptoms, then purchasing a wedge pillow may help. 

  1. It is the Perfect Position for Pregnant Women

Lots of pregnant women find sleeping difficult. The recommended sleeping position for pregnant women is sleeping on your left side. Sleeping in this position stops you from putting pressure on your liver, it can help improve blood circulation, and it can help reduce your chances of developing high blood pressure. 

If you’re used to sleeping on your back or front, then you may find it hard to fall asleep on your side, but it can be done. It may take a little bit of time to get used to side sleeping, but the health benefits that are associated with it are worth the effort. Will you choose to change the way you sleep in order to improve your health? 


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