The End Of The World Reading Club explored by Natalie Jayne Peeke West Country Correspondent

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If you are after a unique, one of a kind, not like any other book subscription service, you need look no further for I have found The End Of The World Reading Club.

What is that ? I hear you ask.  Well each month you receive a box which contains one amazing fiction book in the apocalyptic, post-apocalyptic or dystopian genre. Be it zombie, alien, viral or nuclear.

So what makes this Book Club any different ? Well the next two elements: you will also receive a How To tutorial card to teach you a survival skill, also pulled from the book. And my favourite aspect is the wrapped gifts that bring the story to life which you open when you reach specific pages in the book. The variety of gifts can be edible, educational or just down right practical.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the selected book but opening the  gifts on the pages indicated  made the whole read more exciting and satisfying  than anything I have experienced before.

There is also a Facebook group that you can join to discuss the month’s box and I have to say, finding  a group that is not only a community but every bit as enthusiastic as I was about March’s box, was fantastic. is where you can subscribe to your very own box and chose how often you receive them.