Back in 1995, I had an idea for a book about the culture of football and after working on it for a while with my younger brother, started to think about how we could get it published.

After a week or so, they wrote back and asked for a sample of our work and so we sent them 3000 words and waited. They came back and asked for some more and so we sent them another 3000.
This went on a few times and in the end, I said to them ‘either you want this or you don’t. If you don’t, then let us know and we’ll try someone else.’
Within a few days, they’d made us an offer to publish which included a nice advance. It was only about a year later that we realised that it didn’t work like that for everyone.
The book was called Everywhere We Go. It was published in early 1996 and was a massive success. So much so that it kick started a career which has resulted in a further 16 books, sales of over 1,500,000 worldwide and being lead writer on three award winning feature films with more on the way.
Ironically, despite all that success, I’ve never been able to find an agent to take me on so have ended up doing it all myself.