Di Castle’s latest poetry book takes a gently humorous look at life, love and leaving over the last twenty years. Not content with focussing on the personal: family birthdays, weddings and funerals, Castle takes takes a flanking look at landmark events in our country .
It’s Just my Age struck a chord, and will with many people, and not just this poem,there’s a cornucopia on offer here, with Denise A Horn’s illustrations capturing the flavour of the poem perfectly.
Christmas is coming, Margaret Graham is getting fat and will be fatter still after all the eats and excitement, and trust me, I will be prying into this review copy along the way, for a giggle, or perhaps a thought provoking moment.
Should I Wear Floral by Di Castle is a perfect stocking filler for a friend, or how about a piece of sanity for yourself.
Available here