Ahhh, I know I repeatedly wax lyrical about Thirsk, but here we are again, with perfectly splendid fish and our very own Thirsk Yarnbombers reminding us it’s Christmas

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I have a passion for plaice. That is not too strong a word. I love it, but where can you find it? Readers,  try Thirsk Market on a Monday. There you will find Tony’s Grimsby Fish Emporium. Not only does Tony bring to our shores – oh, OK, picky, – to our cobbled Market Square – the most wonderfully fresh fish of all descriptions, he actually  brings plaice, that gold nugget of the fish world. It is  always plump, juicy heavy and I gotta get some.

And so I do, every week. Tony also brings the patience of a saint with him to Thirsk, and a suspicion of a smile behind his mask. There I was, in the queue, suitably distanced, while he waited for his customer to give directions to a tourist. So we waited too. I was so engrossed when it was my turn, Tony had to repeat himself, and as I began to ask for plaice, the lass behind me suggested the salmon, and the bloke behind her said that the smoked haddock was good. Well, by that time I was on the point of forgetting what I had actually come for, when I was tapped on the shoulder and there was Eric from the u3a, my secretary no less (I am chair by default – no-one else could – there you have it, I am usually a default choice) ‘What trouble are you causing now?’ said Eric. Readers, I had by now quite lost the plot.

Tony helpfully suggested: ‘Plaice?’ Well of course. And why not the smoked haddock. Salmon would be another day. it was a few pounds and 50 p. I was delighted because I knew I had a 50p in my coat pocket. Out I dug it, and triumphantly held it out to Tony.

‘Very nice too,’ he said. ‘I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.’ It was actually a gold foil-covered chocate coin. Oh how we all laughed. (I told you he was a saint) I found a proper 50p, and bore my plaice home in triumph. There you see my gold coin, sitting proudly next to the plaice. Dick had his own plaice but no gold coin. So I had pudding –  so very there.

Tony’s Grimsby Fish Emporium  attends Thirsk Market on Monday – Cambridgeshire area Wednesday- Northallerton market Thursday – and the Sleaford area. If you are coming to visit Thirsk, make it a Monday. Ask for the plaice, but leave me some.

A couple of weeks later with Christmas in sight I toddled ias usual nto town and saw that the Yarnbombers had been ‘at it’ again. They are a stealthy gang of finger dancing knitting needle afficionados who set out with their themed work during the hours in which mere mortals sleep, or so I imagine. For in the morning we emerge to find we have been yarnbombed: on the top of post boxes, bollards, in shop windows, on benches, in essence on anything that doesn’t move I love it, love it. It makes me proud to see such wonders, because, trust me, they are.

Amazing workmanship lightens up the misty gloom of an autumn day, and reflects the colours of a brilliant frost. We never know when they will come – they are suddenly – just there. All over the town and environs.It makes me proud to be an inhabitant of Thirsk which is full to the brim of such wonders.

There you are you see, I’ve come over all ‘literary’. But how can one not.

And a merry Christmas, one and all, from wonderful Thirsk.


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