4 Benefits of Non-Stim Pre-Workouts

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Traditional pre-workouts use caffeine and other stimulants to produce an energy boost, but sometimes it’s good to switch things up and use stim-free pre-workouts instead. This can be especially beneficial if you have issues with anxiety or trouble sleeping due to stimulants in your pre-workout supplement. This article will discuss the four benefits of using stim-free pre-workouts and recommend products that fit the bill.

1) Improve Your Mood

If you find that pre-workout supplements get you hyped for your training, but leave you feeling overstimulated and anxious in your everyday life, then a stim free pre workout could be just what you need. Stimulant free pre-workouts can also help with poor mood from dieting. In addition, stimulants can increase appetite, so reducing them can help keep hunger at bay.

Studies show that increased fitness levels link to reduced anxiety. Part of reducing your anxiety could be as simple as going for a morning run or hitting up a HIIT class.

2) Increase Focus

Non-stim pre-workouts help you get in your best workout without having to worry about experiencing a crash afterward. Because they’re stimulant-free, you can increase focus without worrying about feeling exhausted at work later on.

Also, the best pre-workouts contain choline. According to Legion Athletics, “Choline is a nutrient that’s vital for brain health and function, and glycerophosphate is a substance that helps transport choline to the brain.”

The benefits are plentiful. If you’re worried about stimulants and think they might be causing your increased heart rate or feelings of jitteriness, try one of these non-stim pre-workouts instead.

It’s a good idea to start slow with these products and see how you feel. Don’t use too much at first, as your body might not be used to it. If you still have negative side effects, try taking half of your normal serving size or discontinue use altogether.

3) No Crash After Workout

A stim-free pre-workout will ensure that you have enough energy to work out effectively without crashing after your workout. Many people report experiencing dizziness, fatigue, and mood swings after taking pre-workouts that contain stimulants. These issues can deter some people from working out altogether, so if you’re looking for a way to increase your motivation and enthusiasm while exercising, try a stim-free pre-workout.

There are a variety of ways to avoid experiencing these negative side effects, but switching from pre-workouts that contain stimulants is a smart choice.

4) Help Muscle Recovery

If you exercise regularly, it’s common to experience muscle soreness. Stimulant pre-workouts are known for making people feel good, but they can also speed up muscle recovery and repair by increasing blood flow throughout your body. If you have access to a gym, consider checking out your options in stim-free pre-workouts. Since they don’t have caffeine or other stimulants in them, they won’t keep you awake at night or cause any jitters.

Stim-free pre-workouts are an excellent alternative to those who don’t want to use stimulants. They’re not for everyone, but they have many benefits for those who use them.

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