This was the 2nd of the Variety Girls series, and Tracy Baines has exceeded the promise of the first, and brought a flurry of fluency, immediacy, empathy and a whole heap of fun into Christmas with the Variety Girls (in Cleethorpes), but never forget the accompanying angst which these well developed characters bring to the party. Oh yes they do – overcoming the difficulties with courage and humour.
A heartwarming novel of triumph over adversity, of hoofing the boards, of brave faces and sore feet.
Cue applause, a standing ovation, bring on Christmas in Cleethorpes. It makes me want to book a whole row at the Empire, and take a coachload to clap and clap the girls, and author Tracy Baines, for it is a cracking read for those who read it the first time, and for those new to the Variety Girls.
Bravo bravo, encore maestro.