The Columbia Community Centre in Brady Square, Washington is moving forward at a great pace. Phew…

Spread the love

Marion is thrilled with the  beautiful red roses, gifted to her by Sister Scholastica, and on that note, there are bound to be  knitters amongst you, Sister Mary’s sent her hat pattern (for the Seaman) which is on the CCA social media pages at copies are available at the Centre. As the evenings are drawing in,  I think Frost Magazine  will be hearing  the click of needles any minute now. More school uniforms have arrived, and will be collected by Equans. Was there ever such a smooth running operation courtsey of the CCA. But that’s not all, a freezer has been donated and so it goes on.  And, wonderfully, amidst all the mayhem still the groups arrive

The dancers are strutting their stuff,  Fat quarters  and  Shake that Boogey too.
Marion tells Frost Magazine that  ”Him indoors’ Bob, has put up a book stand in the office for the community to come along and browse the Margaret Graham books amongst others. Margaret is ‘our very own Brady Square lass and my friend.’  Which pleases Margaret, Frost Magazine’s editor, enormously.


During the week the CCA hosted a new programme of training with MBC Art Wellbeing which delivers free activities for children. This programme is funded for the next year, particularly during school holidays,which thrills Marion and the committee  Pottery class was the kick off activity and I daresay Marion got stuck in.  Roll on the 24th and the making of Wind Chimes

Is that it for Week 4? Don’t be silly. Another friend of Marion’s is to visit to discuss delivering some First Aid training for all. and says Marion, ‘A little tea party was held  for two of our regulars, Sandra Noble and Ray Turnbull, both celebrating their birthdays (ages undisclosed!) Cake flowed in abundance. Refurb, what refurb who needs doors, thingamabobs or thingamajigs when you are having a great time.’ Frost Magazine, who love a bit of a ‘do’  has to agree.

And so exciting. The CCA should now be ‘live’ online, and soon there will be an email address. and everyone was on their marks waiting for the Asbestos check. Would hoards of men in white coats? No, to Marion’s intense pleasure it was a handsome young man named Chris who arrived. (Lord the woman’s so easy) She says, ‘That’s two handsome young men in my life today as my grandson Daniel has just arrived from Texas and the doors are back!! Hurrah hurrah. (will need priming and painting, but they have come home)

Another grand end to the week!’

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square

Margaret Graham is an author, tutor, editor of Frost Magazine and grumpy when it’s too hot,. She just loves the fish and chips at the Washington Arms  near the green in Washington Village. Yep, got it, Margaret is greedy.