The week just gone has been hectic at the Columbia Community Association, but when isn’t it – and all so exciting

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Monday morning MBC were at CCA at 9am on the dot for  cooking day, and lucky  Marion was offered the leftover fruit, to refuse would, of course, have been rude.(ho hum)  Cultural Creatives then pitched up and a Teddy Bears Picnic was created to everyone’s delight. 

During the week, Julie Milne, Lead Residential Liaison Officer at Equans talked with Marion, who told Frost, ‘There’s nothing like discussing your hopes and aspirations with ‘them at the top,’ I don’t know if it will be productive, but shy bairns get nowt.’                


It really is revolving doors at CCA because Donna Gilroy from Havern Wellbeing  delivered a donation of household products along with hand sanitizers, gloves etc. which was much appreciated.  And Equans donation of refreshments meant a very  great deal to CCA.

The CCA team was delighted to welcome Joseph Tote and Glen from the Jewellery Road show and Marion told me it was so  great to see the community popping in to use this free service. ‘Some people missed the opportunity but we have passed their details on.’

Then, off goes Marion again, with a great idea: ‘I have just ordered a new signing in book and on reflection maybe I should have bought in bulk as the books are filling up fast. This is a good thing as we love to entertain. Red shoes Bob as Margaret calls him is looking forward to being the Bingo caller on Friday for our “Free Prize Bingo” . He is a born entertainer, gets things wrong on purpose, or so he says, but he is game for a laugh. Then, on Wednesday, Ben the Plumber came to fit our new two bowl sink, which enabled the kitchen to be finally finished by the end of the week, so that the new appliances could be unpacked and ready for use.

Hurrah Hurrah, Brian rang to tell Marion that  Wayne would be calling in with the door signs and they are so great that Marion thought how lovely it would be to get him to make a new sign for the wall outside. So naturally she lost no time in contacting Margaret at the magazine, with the answer:: ‘Whoop whoop done deal Margaret, I keep telling you there is no blood like Brady Blood, I bet you are so pleased that you share this glorious nectar running through your veins. These signs are fantastic and made with love and pride. Oops, we missed the E out of Kelley, soon to be rectified and the nice gentleman who brought it to our attention is going to pay for the new signs.’

In answer to Marion, I am indeed pleased, for there I was, Little Annie Newsome’s lass who  spent most of her time outside the classroom door because she talked and talked, and whose reports always said – Could do better if she stopped being a nuisance – finally took herself in hand and started to write novels, quite a lot  set in  north east pit villages. How could I not,  after hearing about mum’s  life growing up in Brady Square, and my own times staying with Uncle Stan in his shop. Mum was relieved, she thought I’d be a criminal!

Chris from Harry Burnicle Contractors Ltd arrived to do the electrical check on the building. ‘We must ensure everyone safety at all times.’ Marion said.  Mind you, they had coffee and a chat on his arrival and ‘he agreed to have his photograph taken for the beloved Frost Magazine.’

Bob took the tables over to Woodridge Gardens for their Table Top sale on Sunday. The CCA likes  to help out where they can, and this is reciprocated by so many others. For instance:. 

ALLYSON CHAPMAN from Bells Caterers who are sadly approaching their closing date have a host of memorabilia  to donate to the Community Community Centre. How wonderful is that.

Last word from Marion:It’s been a great week and very productive and tomorrow is a pamper day for PollyP; red nails are on the cards., I love red nails Margaret, just as much as you love red shoes. Tonight, I am expecting the Alcohol Fairy to call. Cheers from Columbia Community Association, the place to be.’

It most certainly is.

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square


Uncle Stan Newsome, and Annie Newsome soon after their mum died. Auntie Isobel and me some years ago when she had left the shop after Uncle Stan died and lived in Biddick.

Mum’s parents ran  the Long Pull or Long Pole off licence. Her mum died when she ws 2. Her dad remarried. On Her father’s death when mum was 11, I think Uncle Edgar took the shop over, Finally Stan and Auntie Isobel  ran it. I loved them very much, and David, my cousin.