Michael Rowan is already making plans for Christmas, and he is hoping that Chimney Fire Coffee and Wry English Vodka espresso martini will be in his Christmas stocking, come the big day.

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I make no secret of the fact that I am somewhat partial to an occasional Espresso Martini (although friends may think that ‘occasional’ is a secret well kept.)

I have even been known on several occasions, to select the Espresso Martini as my third course rather than pudding, and no Christmas is complete, without the obligatory cocktail, and Espresso Martini seems a great way to top off the big day festivities.

However, as chief cook and bottlewasher, the making of cocktails seems just one job too many for Christmas Day, especially when there are several other requests for cocktails from the rest of the family. At the end of the day the last thing I want to do is to start making half a dozen cocktails.

But this year will be different, as I have just discovered a pre -mixed Espresso Martini, a combination of Chimney Fire Coffee and Wry English Vodka priced at £24.00

Espresso Martini Cold Brew Cocktail, made in collaboration between artisanal Surrey Hills producers Chimney Fire Coffee and WRY Vodka, by Silent Pool Distillers.

We are told to expect rich aromas of chocolate, biscuit, and blackberry from ethical and responsibly sourced coffee roasters Chimney Fire Coffee’s single-origin Peru Classic Espresso – which seamlessly intertwines with the malty flapjack notes from WRY Vodka – finished with notes of caramel and I certainly got the chocolate, biscuit and blackberry, but perhaps I am less familiar with malty flapjack.

Regardless this is the best pre-made Cocktail that I have tasted to date. It can’t compete with a cocktail honed to personal taste, but it is exactly like a cocktail that one might enjoy in a restaurant. It was beautifully smooth and the coffee and vodka perfectly balanced.

To serve, shake 100ml of Espresso Martini Cold Brew Cocktail with ice and strain into a martini glass. Shake well to achieve that creamy top but it makes no difference to the taste.

So, this Christmas imagine the chef sipping his Espresso Martini mere seconds after the thought occurs. Bliss.

