Columbia Community Association has just closed the door on week 43, which has been, as usual, totally hectic but in a nice way!

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Red Shoes Bob has kept himself busy applying the rainbow adhesive film to the glass on the swing doors, he is such a perfectionist and measures each panel with precision, and each is then applied with love and care. ‘Eat your heart our Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, the completed job is spectacular,’ says Marion.

Emma from Cultural Springs popped in to discuss the buffet requirements for the Redcoat Show on the 26th May. Phil for Di’s Diner will be doing the catering of course – why would the CCA go anywhere but Brady Square?

The lovely Laura called to collect the fish tank the CCA had advertised on the Womble site, and stayed for a chin wag during which the team invited her to the Friday coffee morning.

Sadly, it was the last Equans Monday meeting. They are moving to other areas in Washington to commence a new programme of refurbishment. CCA have thoroughly enjoyed having them around, and have made many new friends and what’s more, will be forever grateful for the work they have put into the community centre. Julie Milne presented the team with a thank you card and some beautiful flowers which resulted in a few tears. However; all is not lost as the plasterers will be returning to finish off a store room at the rear of the building.

Pauline has returned from holiday, all bright eyed and bushy tailed. During her absence, lists have been compiled for garden furniture etc so off she went to place the order. First thing on the agenda was the shed, (which has arrived already). Once this has been erected the CCA will have storage space and the team will be able to develop the patio area. 

Multiply’s cooking is ongoing, and on ‘the’ day the scrumptious  aroma of chilli was in the air. The team were even asked to take part in the cereal challenge. Three types of flakes – we had to guess which one was Cornflakes.

Aimee’s dancers spend hours practicing and boy – as you can see for yourselves, can they dance. Miss Lily is amazing

Mariusz, the plumber, went on holiday on Friday… have a great holiday Mariusz. Therefore the drainage of the radiators has been deferred until next week but the team has become  philosphical, and merely told Frost Magazine: ‘Hey ho, that’s the way it goes.’

Good news on the patio area, as the first donation of a plant has arrived from a lovely lady. The team is enormously grateful. Bob has re-potted it and it is being named  Golden Rudbeckia Queen Edith, instead of its real name, Black-Eyed Susan. She will have pride of place.

Alyson one of CCA’s volunteers popped in to say hello, and the team were delighted to see she is on the mend and off to the Norwegian Fjords next week.

Delivery of baskets, compost etc. was made and the excitement is growing. Garden bench, table and chairs, hose reel all ordered, expected date of delivery in 22nd May. Marion thought this day would never come.

Coffee morning was a hoot as usual. Would you believe for the second week in succession Evelyn won the food hamper. But there again the old cliché is “you buy your ticket and you take your chance”. Enjoy lovely lady.


Carl, the joiner has worked his little socks off erecting the new fence and a 6ft gate to the side of the building. My word, it’s all coming together, and looks great.

Now, before Frost Magazine lets you go,  one heartfelt and most important mention on behalf of all at CCA and Frost Magazine:

It is the funeral of the much missed Graham Ross on Monday 22nd May. Taken far too soon. May this fine young man Rest in Peace. 

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square