Preparations a go-go for the Columbia Community Association’s Opening Day on 28th July

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The time has flown with so many jobs to do at the CCA on the  journey to completion, one of which was to put up the CCA’s sign. Trust me, there are more tasks planned for this week as the team prepare for the Opening Day on the 28th July. The team  have a tick list, but has anything been overlooked?  One worry for Marion is whether their adorable surveyor Richard, recovering from an operation on his foot, will be okay for the 28th. Frankly, he must be as she and he have travelled this journey together, ‘He is my wing wing man,’ she says. 

Massive congratulations to Aimee’s dancers who gave their all at the “Trophy Day” held in North Shields, Winners once again in all categories, Esmae, five, loved doing her thing and actually came away with a trophy. Well done girls, you are all stars.


So, how are the preparations going:

Champagne flutes purchased for Opening Day, tick. Balloon Arch and decorations ordered, tick. Victoria will be arriving on the 28th July, bright and early to adorn CCA’s premises, tick. Everyone is hoping it’s not too windy, or up, up and away the decorations will go, with the population of Brady Square chasing after them. Frost Magazine suggests everyone makes sure that their phones are on video, as it will be a sight for sore eyes.

The team is expecting Mariusz the plumber to call any minute as the radiators need bleeding after the new valves were fitted. It’s a good job the weather has been fine as the CCA has been without radiators for eight weeks. Simon from SCC popped in to see if the snagging had been completed, and Marion tells me he wasn’t at all surprised when she said no. Apparently it would only take about 2 to 3 hrs to do. Marion’s response: ‘True saying folks, “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings” One should not presume the outcome which is still in progress.’

Lovely surprise visit from Emma from Cultural Springs to discuss future projects, it all sounded so exciting, and Marion has promised to ask at the coffee morning what would be of interest to CCA service users and then let her know so arrangements can be made.   

You could have knocked Marion down with a feather when she received Columbia CA Sunderland Communities podcast today. ‘It seems so long ago when I chatted away to Tom who was doing research on Warm Spaces.’  Boy, we all know how much the lass can talk. Have a listen for yourselves.

 Marion and Red Shoes Bob, though it really should be Blue Shoes Bob now, went shopping for trellis to hang at the entrance to the Air Raid shelter, and came away with expanding pine trellis which fits perfectly and looks great. The Air Raid shelter is well and truly camouflaged.

Bob has completed the erection of the other bench tables, one is strategically placed just outside the rear door. It is wonderful, and will give people thinking time over a coffee break.  ‘Oh no,’ was the cry from Bob, ‘No more thinking or ideas, please. Will we ever be done?‘ 

Andrew from MBC popped in to pick up the ceramics that have not been claimed. He always specifies times and dates for collection, but you can bet your bottom dollar when they have gone, someone will be knocking on the door.   

Bingo day with the “Forever Young Ladies” and you know what that meant, yes, Linda’s scrumptious cakes will be headed this way. The food arrived for Friday’s coffee morning which is followed by our flower arranging class with the lovely Tina.

As always, a great week was had by all and although the refurbishment is coming to a close, Mmarion has become very fond of sharing  progress, sometimes lack of it, with Frost Magazine and  sincerely hopes that their next planned project here at Brady Square can be as interesting, if not more. There are  many stories to tell of days gone by and the exploits of the folks in good old Brady Square.

Margaret, editor of Frost Magazine whose mum was Stan Newsome’s sister, assured Marion that the magazine will be her other wing man as the CCA gallops along to other adventures.

Information: Columbia Community Association  Columbia uk Community Forum

Memories of Brady Square