Into Thirsk we went, by bus of course. Yes, we could have walked but we had a day off and meant to enjoy ourselves. First we tumbled into The Golden Fleece, famous for its coffee and three Maltesers. But hey, this is December, so the Maltesers are out, and in with mince pies. Yep, we’re in the Christmas month.

After sinking into our armchairs, to eat our first mince pies of December, it was time for a saunter. There in the Market Square, opposite The Golden Fleece, we saw that the Yarnbombers had decorated for Christmas.
After a bit more of a toddle, surely it must be lunchtime. So back to Carlton Miniott and The Old Red House for a pub lunch. Oh yes please, after all it was a very small mince pie with our coffee. But let’s keep with the pie theme, eh? Pie and Chips? Well you can’t get much more pubby than that. Was it good? I should say so, the wine too though Dick had beer. The Old Red House operates beneath the calm hand of Kirsty who is lovely, and it is really the station pub, as it’s just opposite the junction. It was there we had stood last week, to see a steam train come through.

But heavens, our day was not done, indeed not. The dogs were to be walked, so off we trotted, and some time later returned, puff pant, and managed to pick up a packet of Grandma Wild’s Brandy Mince pies from Carlton Stores and Post Office. Well, it is the month of Christmas and the short pastry is sublime, and the filling pretty darned good.
How lucky we are to live in Carlton Miniott, Thirsk. We really really are.