Guess what? Matthew Atherton and the Strings Attached Orchestra will be performing at a FREE concert to celebrate the refurbishment of the organ at St Mary’s Church on 21st July, 3.0 pm and … wait for it, Matthew Atherton will be giving another concert in August, on piano and organ. Hurrah. Hurrah.

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You might remember the Thirsk Parishes Festival Weekend a year ago at St Mary’s Church as we celebrated the shared creativity of Thirsk and our Herriot Heritage by listening to, amongst others, the wonderful Matthew Atherton and the equally superb Strings Attached Orchestra.. Matthew entertained us on the piano and organ. I particularly remember how, playing piano, he evoked the Herriot Legacy by playing the TV theme from 1978, then, with the usual Atherton aplomb he walzed and slouched into Promenade – Walking the Dog by George Gershwin, having warned us that there was what sounded like a wrong note, which he felt indicated a bit of a whoopsie on the part of the dog. Boy, did we wait for that note. That’s Matthew. Serious, funny and supremely talented.

Then, in April there was the Coronation Concert. Well, how could Thirsk not? The concert took off at a canter with, Zadok the Priest, a British anthem composed by George Frideric Handel for the coronation of King George II in 1727. This particular performance by the amazing Strings Attached Orchestra featured our very own Matthew Atherton playing organ, Richard Sowden – trumpet and Evelyn Wilson  – Timpani. It was a triumph, as was the rest of the music by the assembled talent.

So… On 21st July at St Mary’s Thirsk we are again being treated to a musical feast: the Summer Concert with Matthew Atherton and the superb Strings Attached Orchestra. Oh, happy days… The concert will include organ solos and pieces with organ and orchestra and let’s remember, the concert is to celebrate the refurbishment of the organ so the sound will be even more wonderful.

Admission is free. Yummie cakes and refreshments available at the interval. Oh do come along, take a pew, (as they say) and enjoy every minute of the spectacular Strings Attached Orchestra and Matthew.

What I have been wondering, though, is that having had piano lessons too, why don’t I play like Matthew? Well, clearly one of us has talent, and one has not, but how did he discover his talent, and then hone it? Matthew told me that as a young boy he heard organs being played in church. In particular,  St. Mary’s Church at Wath near Ripon, Ripon Cathedral, and Christ Church in Pennington, Lancashire.

The latter I think is the first ever church organ I saw and heard aged about 5 when taken to church with my father’s mother and sister.’ Matthew told Frost Magazine. The passion was ignited, and burned even stronger when he heard Ripon Cathedral’s wonderful organ being played full pelt by Ronald Perrin.  Matthew was then allowed to try the village organ in Wath which is still intact and a fine instrument. Sadly for Matthew, when he pulled out all the stops, it didn’t sound a bit like the music he had heard in Ripon Cathedral, but eventually, like Topsy he growed, was tutored, and is now the amazingly accomplished organist, pianist that we enjoy today. So remember: Thirsk’s St Mary’s Church concert July 21st at 3.0 pm. FREE

Hang on a moment for here’s another note for the Diary – at St Mary’s Church Thirsk, Friday 2nd August at 7pm. A concert given by Matthew of piano and organ music to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Holy Rood House. A mixture of styles of music, oh I do hope he plays Walking the Dog again. Strawberries and cream will be served with drinks. Admission £10. I say again, lucky lucky Thirsk. Simply can’t wait. Strawberries eh? On top of sublime music. What could be better.