A few years ago, three grannies, of which I am one, ran a small charity: Words for the Wounded raising money for wounded veterans through writing courses, day literary festivals and competitions. I also have two dogs and was glued to the The Supervet and am full of admiration for Noel’s innovative surgical procedures which enhance his patients’ lives. I emailed him at Fitzpatrick Referrals, not really expecting a reply, asking if he was working in conjunction with others on similar innovative orthopaedics for guys such as those we helped. I did indeed receive a positive reply. How? When he is so very busy. But that is the humanity of the man.
Luckily, Keira & Me fell into my hands, newly published. Is it for children or adults? It is both, in that it is an ode to Keira, Noel’s beloved canine companion. But more than that, it is about unconditional love in all its forms, and particularly that of dog and owner. But again, it is more than that… I believe it is about wisdom… A lesson for living one’s life. But that’s not quite right… Or quite all… Written in Noel’s glorious and profound style it is a journey about friendship and unconditional love. But also, it’s a journey from dark to light… from doubt to understanding… from weakness to strength, portrayed in brief questions and answers. Though even that is wrong… Or insufficient.
I think perhaps it is also the flow of Noel’s thoughts and recollections about his world and experiences with wise responses from beloved Kiera who left this life after almost 14 years. It is raw in its grief, but warm in all that Keira brought. So, though I whitter on, let’s face it, YES, it is really about love, unconditional love and all that it brings. I wept. Most do, but I also: thought, pondered, remembered, learned… when perhaps I thought I was all knowing. Finally it is brave, a stripping away of pretence and ego in the public eye.
It is, frankly, a masterpiece, accompanied at the highest level by empathetic illustrations from Laura McKendry. Her illustrations are totally in tune, and quite wonderful.
I will be giving this to grandchildren for Christmas. They will grow up the wiser for it, and hand it down to their children.
Kiera & Me by hugely successful bestselling author (and humanitarianor so I believe) Noel Fitzpatrick available here.
Noel Fitzpatrick is a world-renowned neuro-orthopaedic veterinary surgeon, the founder of Fitzpatrick Referrals in Surrey, which you will know from the Channel 4 TV show: The Supervet. He is a No.1 bestselling author, and recognised worldwide for his surgical solutions for animals. You can follow him on Facebook and Instagram: Twitter: @ ProfNoelFitz. Go on, he’d love to hear from you.
Laura McKendry is an artist illustrator whose work truly combines expressive brushstrokes and decisively drawn lines to create images that convey a deep human connection with the natural world. Her original paintings are held in international private collections. She teaches illustration short courses at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. You can find Laura on her website.www.birdandbeast.co.uk and Instagram@birdandbeast_art.