Holly Thomas

Author's posts

A Weekend In Rome: Fall For The The Eternal City In 48 Hours

by Holly Thomas. All images copyright Holly Thomas [Twitter, Instagram: @HolstaT]   Rome might not have been built in a day, but with enough pizza bianca under your belt you can sure fall for it in one. Here are a few unmissables you should squeeze in between slices… The Walk up the Via dei Fori Imperiali [Make …

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Travel Jerusalem: A Modern Guide To An Ancient Wonder

by Holly Thomas. All images by iPhone, copyright Holly Thomas [Twitter, Instagram: @HolstaT] Jerusalem is in our consciousness from earliest childhood. But it’s a place that, for many of those who have never been, occupies the same mental space as fairy tales. Something which we’ve known of since we can remember, but can’t imagine being …

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Kennedy’s Chocolatiers’ Convention; The Latest In Chocolate

“It’s just lovely,” says Richard Reilly, Managing Director of Kinnerton Confectionary. Everyone knows  everyone, and people tend to help out where they can. Around Easter sometimes we make eggs for each other.” I nod through a mouthful of rum and raisin ganache truffle. We’re standing in the British Library, a venue aptly ripe with imagination …

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The Oyster Shed | Food Review

 A little while ago, I was treated to oysters, ceviche, and sundry other fishy treats at the Oyster Shed. Thoroughly spoiled, I ran (staggered) home afterwards, tummy fat, fully intending to record my enthusings over the delightful evening at length immediately upon arrival. Sadly, due in no small part to the soporific (and delicious) combination …

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The Joy of Teen Sex?

I recall a year nine English lesson during which a friend and I compared what we’d done over the weekend. I had written an essay, ironically on Romeo and Juliet- an early parable about the potential hazards of teen sex. She’d given her boyfriend a blowjob during Shrek at the cinema.

We love: Avril Lavigne's 'What The Hell'

Irritating though it can be when a woman in her mid twenties looks and sings like a 14 year old (‘yeah’ & ‘woah’ are to Avril what ‘uh’ is to Britney), she does come up trumps when it comes to peppy, infectious girlypunk. You can try to resist, we say don’t bother.

We love: Britney's 'Hold It Against Me'

. Britney Spears dropped her new single Hold It Against Me just before midnight on 11/1/11 to an overwhelmingly positive response from the media and general public. Anticipation had built to a deafening clamour following the leak of a demo, prompting Britney to release a few hours ahead of schedule, tweeting: “Don’t #HOLDITAGAINSTME for coming out …

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Bambi legs: Holly Thomas dips her toe into the icy pool of freelance journalism

It’s fairly tempting to climb under the covers with a tub of (cheap) ice cream and eat your way into chilly depression as your pride wrestles with the desire to call Mum and tell her to ‘come get you’.

Yes kids, this is what happens to optimism when you enter the world of freelance journalism.

Holly Thomas dips her toe into the icy pool of freelance journalism.

Frost Magazine