Interview With The Man She Married Author Alison Stockham

Your debut, The Cuckoo Sister, was a top 10 bestseller. Did you expect it to be so successful?

I came to publishing with my eyes fairly wide open, due to having both worked in film and TV (which has crossovers in terms of how it works) and then at Cambridge Literary Festival as the events coordinator. I knew nothing was certain with publishing so the top ten listing for The Cuckoo Sister was amazing! Obviously I wanted it to be a success and had dreamed about it, but making the top ten was fantastic!

You are known for tackling brave subjects and writing complex characters. How do you come up with your characters? Where do you get your ideas?

I read a lot-of everything. From books to magazines, to online forums, chat groups, newspaper articles. and often snippets of ideas or characters will come from these. Everyday people in extraordinary circumstances is what I like to write about and so inspiration for this can come from all sorts of places. I observe people, I listen into conversations (much to my daughters’ embarrassment!) when out and about and it all slots into the jigsaw when I’m putting together an idea. I’m like a magpie, stealing shiny things!

What was your publishing journey like?

It was strange because it happened during Covid. I had just started approaching agents in March 2020, having been longlisted for the Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize and then my plans to focus on that got somewhat waylaid! I hadn’t sent The Cuckoo Sister to many, when my now agent, Marianne Gunn O’ Connor, responded and wanted to develop the book with me. I liked how she worked and her vision for the book so we worked on various edits before sending it out. I was on submission for about six months and I wrote The Silent Friend at that time as a way to keep sane! Boldwood then picked up both and offered me a three book deal. So it was quiet and fairly uneventful! 

Describe your writing routine. 

I recently moved to full time writing after juggling working for Cambridge Literary Festival as well as writing and parenting, so now my routine is a little less harried! I work from home and start the day turning the kitchen/diner back into my office! Then I usually work on admin and social media while I turn my brain from mum to writer. I then work from mid-morning to the school run on whatever stage I’m at. At the moment it’s the first draft stage for book five, so I’m aiming for 1000-2000 words a day. Once the children are home I might be able to do a little more work, or it’s back into family life.

Your fourth book, The Man She Married, is out now. What is it about?

The Man She Married is about Beth, who wakes up after a car accident with 5 years of memories missing. She doesn’t remember leaving Australia nor meeting or marrying Rob, the man at her bedside who everyone says is her husband. She goes home to recover but cannot shift the feeling that something isn’t right and that she ought not to trust Rob. But-with her own mind so unreliable, can she trust herself? The book is about strength in adversity and the power to start over again.

Does writing get easier the more books you publish?

Yes and no. The worry of a first draft can be alleviated by knowing that you’ve done it before so you can do it again, and skills and techniques that you’ve learned as you’ve developed as a writer make it easier to some degree. Yet each new book is a new idea, new characters, a new plot and developing these and bringing them to life in a way that readers will connect with, is a new unchartered challenge every time.

What is your favourite thing about being an author?

I love that I get to create all these stories in my head and then share then with the world. I wanted to be a writer from a young age so the fact that I get to do this for a living is still amazing to me! 

And your thing you dislike?

The required self-promotion! I am too British, and I find it difficult to overcome the cringe factor!

What books have you read that you love?

Too many to list but the latest advance copies that I’ve loved include The Rush by Beth Lewis, set in the Canadian gold rush of the late 1800s and 59 Minutes by Holly Seddon which is set in the UK when a alarm is sent that a catastrophic nuclear strike is due in 59 minutes. We follow the main characters as they decide what to do with that time. Both brilliant, both out this summer.

What’s next?

I am working on book five for Boldwood, which is about the intensity of female friendship and what happens when it goes wrong.

Interview With The Deadly Spark Author Roxie Key

Did you always want to be a writer?

I think so. I used to write short stories about my childhood pet cats as superheroes. I didn’t think too much of it until I was tasked with writing a short story for my GCSE coursework. My English teacher told me I should be a writer, and something clicked in my brain. That’s when I knew. After completing my creative writing degree, I attempted to write several children’s fantasy stories before I realised that takes a certain kind of brain – one which I don’t possess! It wasn’t until I picked up Jane Casey’s The Missing, I thought yes! Maybe I could do this. And the more crime fiction I read, the more certain I became that it was what I wanted to do.

What books did you read growing up?

I was an Enid Blyton kinda kid. I had alllll the books. My dad used to read me bedtime stories every night he was home without fail, and we worked our way through The Famous Five series pretty quickly. I remember reading a lot of Dick King Smith, and later went on to discover the Harry Potter series which I fully immersed myself in to. When I got older, I was really into The Lord of the Rings and Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy. I truly didn’t see the crime fiction obsession coming!

What was the idea behind The Deadly Spark?

A few things sparked the idea, one of which I can’t tell you about as it’ll reveal something I really don’t want you to know yet… the killer’s identity! But honestly? The reason I wanted to write about a deadly fire was because it’s one of my biggest phobias, ever since we were shown a video at primary school about how quickly a house can go up in flames. Fire is so beautiful but so destructive, so dramatic, and the mental image of a burning house is so emotive, so naturally, it’s great to write about. And of course, I find inspiration in everything I read, from Gillian McAllister’s incredible characterisation and Louise Jensen’s beautiful description, to Jane Casey’s expert procedural plotting and Clare Mackintosh’s killer twists and reveals.

Can you tell us about your publishing journey?

I started writing The Deadly Spark in the summer of 2019, just after my honeymoon. After many, many rejections, I finally met my dream literary agent Maddalena Cavaciuti on Twitter in 2020. We polished the manuscript together, and landed a contract with HQ early 2021, and it’s been a rollercoaster ever since – not just the publishing journey, but I also managed to have a baby in that time. The book finally launched in May 2024, and I spent 6 months in a bit of a whirlwind of author events, sending out press releases and refreshing the reviews pages. I’m currently out of contract and excited at the idea of working with a new publisher!

What’s your writing routine?

I like to have each act and each chapter planned so I know more or less what’s happening. That way I find the writing and creativity flows better as I’m not worrying so much about plot issues further down the line. Once it’s all planned out, chapter by chapter, I snatch any time I can between my full-time job and parenting my crazy toddler, and write what I can when I can (and try not to stress about it). I can’t have dedicated writing time with my current situation so things are a bit slower than I’d like them to be.

Who are your favourite authors and books?

As mentioned above, I’m a huge fan of Gillian McAllister, Louise Jensen, Jane Casey and Clare Mackintosh – these are the authors I’ll read anything they’ve ever written. I’ve recently discovered Erin Kelly after reading The House of Mirrors and now I’m a little bit obsessed. Louise Minchin’s Isolation Island was SO good, Rob Parker’s The Troubled Deep was absolutely brilliant, and Robert Rutherford’s Seven Days was addictive. I do occasionally read outside of the crime fiction genre – although it doesn’t happen often – and I recently fell in love with Rachel Greenlaw’s Compass & Blade… a stunning book. 

What’s your favourite thing about being a writer?

It has to be reading people’s responses to the book. Luckily for me, they’ve been mostly positive, so reading reviews, seeing social media posts about it, and attending book club meet ups has been such a lovely experience. I’ve also really enjoyed being on author panel events during my debut year – they were a LOT of fun.

And the least?

The waiting… the uncertainty… the fear of failure and rejection. I’m not sure if I can pick just one. There’s a lot to deal with along the way, and I don’t think I felt like a real author until the first time I walked into Waterstones and saw my book sitting on the shelf. Imposter syndrome is a big issue for a lot of authors I’ve spoken to, and it’s pretty hard to shake it off.

What’s next? 

I have a few things on the go. The follow up to The Deadly Spark is almost finished, and I need to find a home for it. I’m working on a standalone thriller which I can’t reveal too much about just yet, but I’m super excited about it. And I’m dabbling in the world of lesbian rom coms with a new idea that I want to get stuck into. I’ve also got my first piece in Mslexia Magazine being published in March, and it’s all about marketing ideas for authors – do check it out if you can!

published by HQ (HarperCollins)

Roxie Key is a crime thriller author from Northampton, where she lives with her wife, Laura, and their daughter, Hallie. She has always been a writer; although the stories she wrote as a child about her pets will never see the light of day, she knew from a young age that one day she wanted to see her name on a book cover. Roxie studied Creative & Media Writing at Middlesex University and then went on to become a copywriter for a global brand. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found swimming, reading, or gaming.

Interview With Bestselling Author Laura Pearson

Tell us about you.

Hi. I’m Laura, I live in a village in Leicestershire with my husband, our two children and our cat. I’m pretty obsessed with reading and writing, and as well as writing novels I help run a Facebook book club called The Bookload.

Did you always want to be a writer?

I did, from about the age of six. I wrote and illustrated my first book about a witch at that time. It was about two pages long. I didn’t realise that illustrator was a separate job (and only usually required for children’s books).

What do you consider your big break?

I think getting my first offer of publication, because it had been such a long time coming.

What was your publication journey like?

Long and rocky. Which I think is true for most people. I finished writing my first book in 2010 and my first book was published in 2018. It wasn’t the same book but the first one did also get published. I’ve had three agents and two publishers and a huge amount of rejections.

Did you ever believe The Last List of Mabel Beaumont would do so well?

I really had no idea. My confidence was on the floor because I’d been trying to get another book published for four years at that point. My expectations were low, I was just over the moon to be published again. When she started to take off, it was amazing to watch. I think she’s exceeded everyone’s expectations for her.

What has changed since selling so many books?

I think I just feel more comfortable in describing myself as an author and spending so much of my time writing books. It’s really hard to believe in yourself if it feels like no one else does. Now I have an agent and an editor I can go to with questions or for support and that makes a huge difference. Also, people say really lovely things about my books all the time and it’s often so unexpected. Even though I know I’ve sold a lot of copies I’m still always surprised when anyone’s read them!

What advice would you give to other writers?

I think just to keep going if you possibly can. Obviously there can come a point where it’s not the best thing for you, but up to that point, keep writing, keep submitting. It’s all about finding the right match and it can take a long time. Rejections don’t mean you’re not good enough, they just mean you haven’t found the right person yet.

How do you become, and stay, successful as a writer?

Ask me in ten years’ time! I have no idea whether my success will last. I was so delighted when I got my first three-book deal but then I had another years-long rough patch, so nothing’s guaranteed. I am contracted to write quite a lot more novels for Boldwood Books, which I’m very happy about. But whether or not they’ll sell well remains to be seen. I just keep writing the best books I can. That’s all I can do.

What are your writing ambitions now?

We writers are very good at moving goalposts. Now I’ve sold more books than I ever thought I would, I want to be in a supermarket, and sell more foreign rights, and of course have a TV or film made of one of my books. There’s so much to aim for and I’m very ambitious.

What’s next?

My latest book, The Many Futures of Maddy Hart, came out in early February, and my next comes out in May. I’m not sure whether I’m allowed to tell anyone the title yet, but it’s about two women in their early sixties who meet by chance and are shocked to find that they’re identical. And after that, many more books! I like playing around with speculative ideas and coming up with interesting hooks.

Interview With Former British Diplomat And Writer Leigh Turner

(2017) In his last post as ambassador to Vienna, Leigh gave many interviews about Brexit. 

I am a long-time fan of Leigh Turner, having read his book Palladium and Lessons in Diplomacy – Politics, Power and Parties. He’s a very interesting person and I recommend following him on Instagram.

Tell us about you.

I became a writer in 2002. That was the year I began a four-year break from full-time work at the British Embassy in Berlin to look after our children, then aged eight and ten, so my diplomat wife could work full-time. She took over my job in the embassy. I’d begun my first novel, Eternal Life, in 1986. That was when the British Embassy in Vienna, where I was then working, got its first word-processor. I thought: ‘wow – you can edit your work before printing it! That’ll make writing much easier.’ Of course, it didn’t. But although I made some progress with my writing while I was working full-time as a diplomat, in Vienna, Moscow and Berlin, I found taking a break from full-time work transformative. 

In the four years from 2002, I started writing for the Financial Times, sold two treatments to a film company, attended writing courses, and wrote two novels. When I returned to the Foreign Office full-time in 2006 as Director of Overseas Territories (Saint Helena, Bermuda, the Falklands & Co), then as Ambassador to Ukraine, I continued to write. 

Unfortunately, the Foreign Office hated me trying to publish fiction and be a diplomat at the same time. They even threatened me with disciplinary action if I persisted after a bust-up in 2014, when I was working as British Consul-General in Istanbul. I started publishing excerpts from my romantic comedy The Cheat on-line. They objected to the rude words! It was a difficult situation. 

So the freedom to write what I wanted was a factor in my deciding to retire in 2021 and focus full-time on writing. Since then, I’ve published three books: Palladium, a thriller set in Istanbul; The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Diplomacy – Wie Diplomatie die Welt erklärt (a series of life lessons, in German, based on my 42-year career as a diplomat and civil servant – the subtitle means “How diplomacy explains the world”), and Lessons in Diplomacy – Politics, Power and Parties, an English version of the same book. 

(1965) Leigh grew up in Lesotho, Southern Africa.

What’s your writing routine?

I’m a bit manic, to be honest. Every morning, after a bit of yoga, I walk my partner to her work, then sit down until lunchtime to write. In the afternoons and sometimes in the evenings I focus on writing-related jobs, including organising book tours and social media – I have a website, a podcast, and post on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and Linkedin. My “Lessons in Diplomacy” videos on TikTok have the best response – I work hard to publish good stuff for my 5,000 followers! Linkedin yields most speaking opportunities, including talks about “Lessons in Diplomacy”. I always make time to attend schools and universities, in particular, to discuss the book and answer questions.

You have written non-fiction and fiction. What is your favourite?

I love both! Creating characters and stories in fiction is a thrill. I love to work late into the night on a scene, then review what I’ve written in the morning, and find that characters, apparently independently, have led the story into unexpected places. Writing Lessons in Diplomacy was a different experience. The months of painstaking research, scouring my records, fact-checking and – above all – choosing the most fun, enlightening stories to illustrate the “life lessons” that make up the book, was rewarding. Like other writers, I sometimes worry that I’m putting too much of myself on display. When the publishers urged me to include even more Russian honeytrap stories about my travels to Novosibirsk, Vladivostok and elsewhere from 1992-95, I declined. But maybe if there’s ever a Volume 2 I’ll go further.

I loved Lessons in Diplomacy. What are your hopes for the book? Do you want to help people become diplomats? 

The aim of Lessons in Diplomacy is three-fold. I wanted a book about diplomacy that was fun to read, opening up the truth about diplomatic life to the non-expert. Too many of us have a stereotypical view of upper-class twits swanning round the globe. Diplomacy is changing fast, including many more women and other under-represented groups becoming diplomats and ambassadors. 

The book is also designed as a collection of life lessons from diplomacy. It’s not for nothing that the book includes chapters on “How to craft a career”, “How to drink wine and know things”, and “How to know people”. The skills and attributes that make a good diplomat can be applied to many – perhaps all – jobs and careers. I hope people find it useful.

Finally, I hope the book is a breath of fresh air for anyone studying politics or international relations. Many academic textbooks about diplomacy are written by great academics who have never been a diplomat. Others are written by great diplomats who have never written a book. I’m hoping readers will find Lessons in Diplomacy both useful and a great read.

You have lived an exciting life. What made you go into diplomacy?

My parents’ life was a lot more exciting than mine! They moved in 1951, as young adults, to northern Nigeria, and later to Lesotho, in southern Africa. Living in different countries instilled in me a deep interest in what made countries tick, as well as a restless desire to travel. Diplomacy was an obvious job choice, and I had great fortune in getting into the Foreign Office – on my second attempt. But as I say in Lessons in Diplomacy, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” The jobs I did before the Foreign Office – in the Department of the Environment and the Treasury – were some of the most exciting I ever did – far more so than most Foreign Office jobs!

Germany, Berlin, 08.04.2003 Leigh Turner, author, with his children Owen and Anna preparing cakes. Working on a novel set in the Foreign Office. Job Swaps. (c) Stefan Boness/Ipon,

I loved how you took some time out to be with your children. Do you wish more men would do this?

The four years I spent looking after the children full-time, while my wife took my job in the British Embassy in Berlin, were the best four years of my working life. I was able to form a deeper bond with my children, to look at the world in a different way. I encourage all men to take seriously the option of some time out to help raise their kids. I recognise that not all parents have jobs that allow them to stop work for four years; or enough income for one parent to support the family. But do explore the options! Many women thought a man taking time off to bring up children was fabulous. But many men were hostile. They seemed to feel threatened by what I was doing. 

Who are your favourite authors and books?

I’m an eclectic reader. I immensely enjoy modern thrillers such as Lee Child or Vince Flynn. But I also love romantic thrillers – I recently enjoyed books by Sophie Kinsella and Mhairi McFarlane. And I have a soft spot for the classics – I’m nearing the end of a “read all books by Dickens” campaign, and love anything by Anthony Trollope. I’ve written a lot about Trollope on my blog – although he’s a 19thC writer he has a lot to tell us about relationships, gender and power.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

Persevere, and train your writing skills! Submitting books to agents and publishers is a cruel, unrelenting slog. But you have to keep doing it in the hope that one day, your painstakingly constructed work will see the light of day. There’s also the option of self-publishing, which I have tried, and which can work brilliantly. But it’s worth trying for a “traditional” publishing route first, if you can, to give your book the best chance.

I’m also a huge fan of honing your art. Writing courses are great ways to get feedback on your work, and mutual support. I go on courses regularly, and am even teaching on one in September 2025, in Lesbos, Greece. Details of the Lesbos course, and on other writing courses I’ve attended, and recommend, are on my blog. 

Writing groups are also terrific. I’m in a virtual group with five writers from the US and Canada that meets every month. Their comments on my work have helped me improve my writing. They’ve also strengthened my self-belief – invaluable!

What’s next?

I’m currently working on a trilogy of romantic comedies I call the “Diplomats in trouble” series. I’m excited about it, although, as always, it’s not yet certain it will ever see the light of day. My hero Angus is a protagonist many test readers, mostly women, love to see try, and fail, and try and try again, to find love and a meaningful relationship in the chaos that is modern life. Watch this space.

Leigh has also written extensively about Russia’s war on Ukraine, in his book “Lessons in Diplomacy” and on his website.

My Publishing Journey by Anna Britton

One of the things I like to talk about (within the context of writing, at least!) is rejection. Simply because my publishing journey is chock-full of it! And the more authors I chat to (and I talk to them a lot on my podcast, The Rejected Writers’ Club) the more I realise that all of us face rejection all the time. Talking about it normalises and neutralises it – it’s not something to fear or be ashamed of, but it’s something to be embraced as part of the writing life.

The first kind of rejection I faced was self-rejection. I have always wanted to be a writer, but every time I managed to write something I would read it back and be appalled at how awful it was. Every attempt ended up in the bin.

But then my father-in-law died suddenly at the age of 56. He was a lovely man who I wish I’d had longer to know. His death taught me that we may not get as much time as we think we will, so if there is something we want to do, we need to hecking well get on with it.

From then on, I didn’t let myself reject myself (can you tell I’m a writer?!). I still thought (and think) my first drafts were awful, but I no longer let that stop me. I love telling stories and even if they don’t come out right straight away, that’s okay. That’s what editing is for.

Rejection then came from other people. I submitted my first novel to 113 agents and received 113 rejections. There were a couple of full requests in there, but they all ended in the same way. No one wanted that story.

So I wrote another one. And another one. And another one.

I didn’t query quite as hard again – mainly because I am soft and squishy and couldn’t handle such a solid wall of no’s again – but I did make sure to send my stories out to people I thought would connect with them. I got a whole load more rejections, until one person said yes.

Now, I want to pause here and say something that I absolutely didn’t listen to but that I really hope you will if you’re a writer looking for an agent and (let’s be honest, we all are) feeling a bit desperate: having no agent is better than having one who doesn’t get you. I promise this is true.

I signed with an agent and there was absolutely nothing wrong with them as a person, but they weren’t the right fit for me and my stories. I was writing gentle YA while they wanted something plotty and loud.

Parting ways with my first agent was one of the most painful moments of my publishing journey. I see it as a rejection, as it was a split that they initiated, but it was the right decision. I couldn’t see that at the time, but looking back I can see that we weren’t the right fit at all.

I was totally gutted by this, but it didn’t change my dream; to be a published author. I ditched the stories I had been working on and dove into edits on a crime novel with a bi detective with PTSD at its heart, fell in love with her cold and confusing partner, and solved a murder. I sent this story (which would eventually become the first in the Martin and Stern series – Shot in the Dark) out into the world and I was blown away by the response. Relatively quickly, I signed with my lovely agent – Saskia Leach at Kate Nash Literary Agency – and signed a three-book deal with Canelo Crime.

It was a whirlwind, especially coming off the back of such a mountain of rejection. And that rejection doesn’t leave you. The sting has lessened over time and I’m not quite so afraid of opening my inbox anymore, but the years of hearing no again and again don’t magically disappear just because I can go point at my book in my local Waterstones.

Those years of rejection taught me resilience. They taught me to be sure of the stories I want to tell and to make sure I’ve got people on my team who have the same vision. They taught me that sometimes I’m going to have to fight for my stories and that sometimes I will fail, but that I will write another story and try again.

My journey to publication was long and winding and painful, but it was 100% worth it in the end. And not just because I have two (two!) books published, but because I’ve carved out a space in the world for my stories. I spend time doing something I utterly love. I’ve met incredible people along the way and have had so much more fun than sadness.

Anna’s website is here and you can buy her books at Waterstones.

Interview With I.S. Berry Author, The Peacock and the Sparrow

Did you always want to be a CIA agent?

Not at all. I wanted to be a writer! But I studied at London School of Economics in college, and fell in love with living abroad and foreign affairs. It was the 1990s and communism had collapsed, which was a fascinating time to be in Europe. After I graduated, I edited a newspaper in Prague, then worked as an intelligence analyst for the U.S. government in Cambridge, England, shuttling back and forth to the Balkans. I found I was passionate about intelligence work, so I applied to the CIA. While waiting for my application to process, I attended law school and studied international law. 9/11 happened while I was in law school, and I felt grateful I was on a job track that would serve my country.

When did you realise you wanted to be a writer?

For as long as I can remember! I’ve always loved books and words. My adolescence and young adulthood are littered with failed attempts at novels. While traveling Europe in my twenties – exploring, trying to figure out who I was – I remember musing in my journal that, while I’d probably follow a more practical career path, my secret dream was to be a writer. But it wasn’t until I’d worked as a spy that I had something really meaningful to write about, that it all came together.

What do you think is behind the world’s fascination with the CIA and the world of spies?

The secrecy, I think. Espionage is an entire world beneath the surface, a netherworld. And spying is a profession of high stakes, where lives and geopolitics – the fate of both people and nations – are on the line. Also, espionage involves inherently colorful characters – people willing to commit the ultimate betrayal.

Your characters are so vivid. Do you base them on real people?

My characters are mostly composites, except for the station chief, who was inspired by a real person. Also, the expat community is based on real people, and much of the dialogue is taken verbatim from actual conversations.

Can you describe your writing routine. 

I try to go for a three-mile run each morning. Then I either go to my local coffeeshop or set up camp in my study and write for a few hours. I can’t write too much without printing out and editing, because things read differently to me on paper, and I need to get the story right before I proceed too far.

The book is negative about the CIA. Where you disillusioned?

A bit. I joined the Agency a few months after 9/11, and it was a time of transition and, at times, chaos. My first tour, as a counterterrorist case office in Baghdad during the apex of the war (fall 2004 to fall 2005), was challenging: we weren’t making much progress, the work environment was stressful, and most of us – myself included – returned with PTSD. I made decisions in a fog of war and espionage that haunted me and carried their own trauma. The fundamental skill required for the job – manipulating people – never sat easily with me. Now, years later, with the dust settled, I have a softer view of that time. I wouldn’t say my book paints the CIA in a negative light so much as it paints espionage in a negative light. For me, spying was an uncomfortable, debilitating profession, and that’s what I wanted to convey.

What are your thoughts on the CIA now. Did you find writing the book healing?

I think the CIA has made a lot of progress. The war on terror is over, and the Agency has had time to take a breath, evaluate its operations and internal culture. It’s more introspective and self-critical now. When I was there, the Agency was a bit of an old boys network. Since then, the “Me Too” movement has had an impact: there are rules about and awareness of sexual harassment; female officers speak up about inappropriate treatment; and women fill more leadership positions. I do think writing my book was cathartic. When I finished, I realized how many of my ghosts had come out on the pages. They’re still with me, but now I can better articulate and make sense of them.

The book is unflinchingly honest and brave. Did you ever have a moment of doubt about putting your heart and soul on the page?

Thank you! Yes – though more so after my book was published. I wrote my manuscript in a vacuum (CIA rules prohibit me from showing my writing to anyone until it’s been cleared), so I didn’t even think about getting my story out in the world at the time. Exposing my inner turmoil was still an abstraction. Once I was published, I realized that now everyone could see my scars and the effect espionage had on me. But so many former intelligence officers have found my book resonant, I’ve felt more reward than apprehension in telling this story.

Joseph Weisberg, creator of the TV series The Americans, called your book the “the most realistic espionage story I’ve read.” How did that feel, and do you agree?

Well, I haven’t read all the spy novels out there, so I feel unqualified to judge! But I take Joe’s blurb as a huge compliment, and was honored to get such an amazing endorsement from the creator of a masterful, iconic series. I do think many spy novels skew toward the sensational – car chases, roof scaling – and mine is based more on my own experiences, and the tradecraft and operations I conducted. Also, tradecraft is fundamentally psychological, not technological or gadget-based, and I think my story reflects this. Above all, I wanted to convey a visceral sense of espionage, and insiders tell me I’ve succeeded at that.

What books, films and TV shows get the spy world right?

For film, Beirut, Spy Game, and Ghosts of Beirut are some of my favorites. For novels, Graham Greene’s The Quiet American and most of le Carré books (The Little Drummer Girl is my favorite) – all written years ago, but, in the most important ways, as authentic today as they were then.

It’s nice to have a female voice in the world of spy novelists. Do you think you’ve paved the way for more?

I hope so! It’s shocking to me how few female spy novelists there are (though, we’re out there – I’m in good company with Merle Nygate and Alma Katsu, to name a few).

What’s next?

Another spy novel! This time, a female protagonist. It’s about the intersection of spying and writing…and I think that’s all I can say for now!

Interviewing I.S. Berry was both a pleasure and a privilege. You can read my review of her stunning novel, which was named as the The Times thriller of the year, here. You can buy The Peacock and the Sparrow here. I.S Berry’s website is a great resources and her socials are below.

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Never Too Old To Have A New Dream by Lynne Hackles

Lying about your age can cause problems, especially if you’re no good at maths and lying doesn’t come naturally. At the age of fifty-six, and thinking about the Big Six-0, I decided to knock ten years off my age. When my daughter was informed, she said she’d knock ten years off too, making her twenty-six. My grandson looked up in horror. He was better at maths than me and declared, ‘But that would make me minus one. I don’t want to be minus one.’ 

We decided dropping ten years was not such a good idea so why did I do it again when approaching a publisher? The submission form asked for date of birth. I hovered over the keyboard before typing in 6.2.1960. My thought was that the publisher would think I had more mileage in me.

I’d been selling my writing for over forty years by then.

When asked what I’ve written it’s easier to respond with, ‘I’ve not covered poetry or pornography.’ I’ve written rude greeting cards, silly advertisements, flirted with journalism, sold articles and interviews, had hundreds of short stories published, a children’s book and several non-fiction books. I’ve also been a ghostwriter. 

It wasn’t until the first lockdown that I decided it was time to get a novel published. There was an unpublished one, written around the turn of the century but it had never found a home. I dug it out, read it, and could see why. I had twenty more years of experience so set out to do a rewrite. 

That was in 2020. I was 70 years old and ready to prove that you are never too old to have a new dream.


In 2023, Gail Lockwood and Her Imaginary Agony Aunt was published by Cahill Davis Publishing. Now the follow-up to that, Dilys Lloyd’s Dilemmas is out. If there was such a genre they would be classed as ‘mature romantic-comedy’. 

The books have working class characters, the important ones all being over fifty. They have problems with jobs, weight, and lack of love lives, but they work hard, remain cheerful most of the time, have adventures and hide in Fred’s Fries for a decent meal when they come out of Flabfighters after being weighed. 

My publisher arranged an interview for me with a media company. I was delighted and apprehensive. I’d interviewed many people during my time working for a local newspaper and one of the first questions asked is, ‘How old are you?’

That’s what happened with the media company. ‘I’m sixty-three,’ I lied and, once that hurdle was over, went on to discuss my debut novel and my life. Then came the question that tripped me up. ‘How long have you been married?’

I wasn’t expecting it. Out slipped the truth. ‘Fifty-six years,’ I said. 

‘Married at seven?’ My interviewer was more than surprised.

I came clean. Then confessed to my publisher who was lovely, telling me that older people have more experience and therefore their writing is richer. Phew!

I am never going to lie again. 

Gail Lockwood and Her Imaginary Agony Aunt is available now and Dilys Lloyd’s Dilemmas is here.