Get Bikini Ready With Simple Steps from Fitness First

yogaWith only weeks to go until bikini season, Fitness First have come up with a set of
simple but effective tips to help you step from the beach hut with confidence.
Fitness First Health & Fitness Expert, Paul Cheeseman’s 30 minute circuit workout is a
great way to combine cardio and weight training together so you can burn fat and
tone up at the same time as well as increase endurance and stamina. Combine this
with a positive mindset, and you’ll see a real difference on those legs, bums and tums!

Squat Jump

The squat jump will give your leg muscles a workout and get your heart pumping. Stand with
your feet roughly shoulder-width apart, then slowly bend your legs and arms to about 90
degrees at the same time. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, explode into the air as
high as you can go. Land softly and repeat the motion again. Perform eight to 10 repetitions, or
20 to 25 seconds for a timed circuit. Modify the reps or time to suit your fitness level if the
workout seems too difficult or not difficult enough.

Jump Rope

Rope jumping is a staple of training systems such as boxing and martial arts. Jumping rope will
enhance your footwork, coordination and balance. Find a rope that just clears your head by a
few inches on each revolution. Practice different footwork combinations as you become more
comfortable. Jump rope for about 30 seconds as part of a beginner circuit routine. Increase
the time and intensity of the jumping as your fitness level progresses.


A burpee is a standard gym class type of movement that will work your entire body. Start in a
standing position and bend down to place your hands on the floor. Shoot both of your legs
backward into a push-up position, then bring them back to your chest quickly. Stand up and
repeat the movement for eight to 10 repetitions. For a timed circuit, try for 20 to 25 seconds of
continuous burpees. Modify the reps or time to suit your fitness level.


The basic push-up is an exercise that will strengthen your triceps, shoulders and chest. Including
push-ups in your circuit training routine will help to give a complete body workout. Do eight to
10 push-ups to start, then increase as your level of fitness increases. Perform push-ups for 10 to
20 seconds as part of a timed routine.


Lunges will strengthen and tone your thighs and buttocks. You can either step out into a lunge
position then return to the start and repeat, or alternate legs in a continuous walking motion
across the floor. Lunges can be performed with no added weight or with a dumbbell in each
hand for more of a challenge. Start with eight to 10 reps or 20 to 25 seconds and modify the
resistance or reps according to your fitness level.


The V-up can be a challenging exercise for people with weaker abdominal muscles. Lie on
your back and extend your arms up over your head. Raise your upper and lower body at the
same time, keeping your arms and legs straight to form a “V.” Lower yourself slowly and repeat.
Aim for eight to 10 repetitions or 20 seconds, but don’t push yourself too hard because the V-up
is a difficult exercise

20 Years of QVC: Frost’s Top Picks

QVC has celebrated their 20 year anniversary. So congratulations to them. To celebrate I have picked out a few of my favourite pieces from their new range. Far from being just another shopping channel, QVC is a fav of Frost for being a forward thinker who collaborates with all of the hottest designers and experts in their field. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Nails inc Stargazer 4-Piece Collection 203610 £23.75 Lipstick Queen Sinner Opaque Lipstick Duo 203675 £23.00 Philosophy Gardenia Eau De Toilette 203669 £29.50 Lulu Guinesss Striped Red Lip Lily Tote 109440 £55.00 Lulu Guinness Doll Face Icon Large Pouch Bag 109439 £50.00Lulu Guinness bags. Butler and Wilson necklace.  Butler & Wilson Couture Crystal Cross Necklace 301745 £98.00Necklace, Libertine by Giles Deacon.  Libertine By Giles Deacon Pop Girl Charm Bracelet 301872 £44.40All below was made exclusively for QVC 20th anniversary.  Bibi Bijoux Set of 2 Bracelets 301897 £68.65 Butler and Wilson 20th Anniversary Dancing Couple Brooch 301852 £64.50 EasiYo Yoghurt Maker 801778 £15.00 Emu Jolie Slipper 153164 £58.00 Lulu Guiness Card Holder 108727 £40.50 Nails inc Chiswick Park Polish and Caviar Top Coat 203310 £16.78 OPI 20th Anniversary Colour with Nail Envy Duo 203472 £16.92

How to Stop Being a Couch Potato and Start Enjoying Life



It’s no joke: a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to numerous preventable causes of death. A person who is seated for over five hours a day is put considerably more at risk of contracting cardiovascular disease than one who exercises for even just four hours per week. Furthermore, lack of exercise can cause depression or anxiety. If you want to start enjoying life you have to stand up and say no to being a couch potato.


Here are some useful ideas to help you get up off the couch and back in the game:


  • Avoid eating on the settee. The more you get used to doing this the more time you will be able to spend on the couch. Try to make a habit of setting aside time for meals away from the TV.
  • Rest and relaxation are integral ingredients of a healthy and happy life, but too much idle behavior will do you no good in the end. When you go to sit down in front of the TV, set yourself a limit on the time spent in front of it.
  • Get rid of your unwanted DVDs and video games. You’ve seen or played them all before and it’s time for something new. You can sell them easily on and use the money for a gym membership or a bicycle.
  • Why not watch TV while riding an exercise bike and THEN see how many episodes of Prison Break you can watch in a row!
  • Studies have shown that prolonged periods of little or no movement inhibit the effectiveness of one of the key enzymes which break down blood fat. If your occupation requires you to spend lots of time sitting down, make sure to periodically stand up and stretch your legs.
  • Apply the principle of active transport to your daily life. We spend too much time in a sitting position, even while travelling. Walk or ride a bike, leave early and take the scenic route to work and you’ll feel the benefits of a greater sense of wellbeing.
  • Get a hobby. Count up the hours you spend on the sofa in a year and think what you could do with that time. If you cut out just an hour of TV time every day just imagine what you could achieve in a year. Whether it’s Ping-Pong or marathon running, find something to suit you and stick at it.
  • Join a sports team. It could be at your local soccer club or it could be as simple as forming a bowling team with good friends. The commitment necessary to be a valued team player will give you the encouragement you need get off the settee regularly.

Everybody needs time to relax and a good long couch session every now and again can be good for your state of mind – but too much is detrimental to your health. Don’t think of it as a loss of relaxation time, but rather as time gained socialising, improving your health and extending your lifespan


The Promise: Never Have Another Negative Thought Again

neverhaveanothernegativethoughtThe Promise: Never Have Another Negative Thought Again comes with high praise indeed.

‘If a book could change the world and the lives of everyone in it, this is surely such a book.’ Mark Nesbitt, director of Urbanark Group

‘Occasionally there’s someone saying something that makes you stop and listen. Graham W Price is one of these. His teaching is truly powerful.’ London Magazine

‘The most useful and effective training I’ve come across in 25 years.’ Michael Queen, CEO of 3i, a FTSE 100 company

‘I cannot recommend it enough. Nothing phases me anymore.’ Simone Plaut, manager, MS Society

Wow. Popular indeed. The blurb reads:

What would it be like to eliminate negative thoughts from your life? To remove regret, worry and dissatisfaction and never feel stressed again? To take on whatever life throws at you with confidence and an unwavering resilience? To achieve whatever you want to achieve and enjoy great relationships. With The Promise, you can – that’s a promise.

Based on an extraordinary truth that few are aware of, you’ll develop powerful new ways of looking at life and discover how to:

Replace negative thoughts with positive action.
Banish stress, regret, disappointment and worry from your life.
Calmly manage any challenging situation, no matter how big or small.

The Promise is a book that changes your thinking. Positive acceptance, or pacceptance as the author Graham W Price calls it, is the first step. Instead of getting upset about things you cannot fix you accept it instead. It has exercises and an action summary of each chapter, and all of the previous ones too.

Banning worry, accepting fear but getting on with it and less wishing, more action might seem like basic things we know why should not but might not get round to doing. But the book is not just self help and useful advice, it works on your way of thinking so you can reach your full potential. I like the book and found it very helpful. The summary and examples at the end were great, as were the exercises.

A great book if you are lagging behind and want to up your game.

Hair loss and thinning – the common condition that women don’t talk about

hair lossIt will happen to half of all women at some point in their lives, but now a new poll of more than 4,000 people in the UK* suggests hair loss and thinning is the ultimate taboo.

The research by Viviscal hair supplements, reveals the lengths men and women will go to in disguising their hair loss. Tricks include colouring in their scalp with a pen and rubbing coffee into their scalp to hide the tell-tale signs.

The main causes of hair loss are thought to be lifestyle factors, such as stress, crash diets, hair extensions and also pregnancy.

The research also reveals the impact that our hair has on our lives with four fifths (80%) saying a good hair day would affect their mood, while a third (34%) say a bad hair day would make them feel self-conscious.

Despite more than half of those questioned saying they feel their hair loss makes them more self-conscious, more than two thirds (69%) have never used any treatment to help them with their thinning hair.

A new statistically significant clinical study in to Viviscal’s drug and hormone free marine supplements has shown promising results for people who experience hair loss or hair thinning, with the trial showing that a two-a-day supplement reduces hair shedding and increases hair thickness, and that women on the trial saw improvement in overall hair volume.**

*Stress is the most common cause of female hair loss, accounting for 34% cases, followed by the hormonal changes after pregnancy, accounting for 22% cases.

**25% of women say they spend 15 minutes on their hair every day, while one in ten (12%) take 30 minutes and 3% even admit to taking an hour.

The Importance of Happiness by Andrew Stead

Angelina Jolie has breasts removed. Our well-being is the most important thing in life but most of us neglect it – we can all do more to live well and make our lives happier. But the overload of knowledge and choice means that keeping up with ourselves, never mind the Joneses, has got a lot harder than it used to be. One step forward, two steps back. And we end up reacting to the world around us rather than designing a life that really matters. But the great news is that the latest scientific evidence is here to help.


And Your Daily Bread is a new organisation established to translate this new knowledge into tools and practical experience to help people maximise their life experience and happiness. They design healthy, positive and fulfilling lives, through practical, regular, bite-size chunks, or ‘Slices’.


These days most of us are well versed in the tools of our trade, but not in the tools of life. We are well educated at school and university and start our professional lives learning the skills and practices we need for our job. But we educate and develop ourselves in the techniques of our trade, at the expense of the techniques of life.


And the consequences of this disparity, this dislocation, this dis-ease, between our technical skills and our life skills are real and serious and heavily supported by scientific evidence.


We might start to feel isolated, lose our focus and concentration.  We suffer the irony of information overload while lacking certain knowledge that is truly valuable.  Physically we might feel tired, low-energy or just out of shape. Emotionally we get anxious, upset or even angry. Our relationships start to suffer – we have no time for our family or friends, no time for ourselves. And professionally, we’re working way too hard getting worn out, stressed out or even burned out. And we end up feeling disconnected, disheartened or desperate. Lacking any purpose or meaning, left wandering: “What’s it all about?” Our great hopes for the future, our legacy, our vision beyond our grave are broken dreams.


So Your Daily Bread provides people with new knowledge and techniques to get them re-energised, re-ignited, re-balanced. They’re on a mission to improve people’s daily life.


They run workshops, events and courses that demonstrate the science, tools and practical help they need to transform their life from imbalance to balance.


And people find the workshops and programmes are pretty impactful, talking of being more positive and productive, more energised and healthy, achieving greater balance and serenity, becoming a better communicator and being able to maximise those key life relationships; and of course, improving career prospects and earnings.



For more information of the June 16th ‘What Price Your Happiness’ event, showcasing 5 Global Experts sharing their best knowledge and techniques, visit


Why Yoga Makes Mummies Happy: The role of Yoga in creating the love hormone ‘Oxytocin’

Why Yoga Makes Mummies Happy
The role of Yoga in creating the love hormone ‘Oxytocin’

By Cheryl MacDonald BA Hons CYT E-RPYT

The fact is that yoga actually makes you happier. The ‘love hormone’
Oxytocin helps you to relax and reduces blood pressure and cortisol levels.
Yoga is now well recognised as one of the ways to encourage the body to
release this amazing hormone and built in anti-stress mechanism.
When the various limbs of yoga are practised, oxytocin is released. Deep
breathing warms the body, and warmth is one of the key elements that allow
us to release Oxytocin. By taking the body through the practice of yoga
asana (postures) we warm the muscles and joints, make the physical body
more comfortable and relaxed. By then continuing the practice with
savasana (deep relaxation) and meditation, we encourage the production
of oxytocin even further.
What is Oxytocin?

Oxytocin is that magical hormone that rushes through the body when we first
fall in love. Oxytocin can take us to the dizzy heights of a love sickness that
makes food and sleep seem so much less important than looking into the
eyes of our new found love.

Some of oxytocin’s main functions are preparing the female body for
childbirth, stimulating milk production and ‘let down’ so that baby can nurse,
and encouraging the bond between mum and her newborn baby.

The hormone is also plays an important part in sexual arousal and is released
when you have an orgasm. Its important in nonsexual relationships too and
presence of the hormone has shown to increase trust, generosity, and
cooperation. It can also create a nurturing aspect within males and females
who are not parents.

Why does Yoga make you happy?

Yogic breathing (of course!) When the vagus nerve is inflamed your breathing
becomes more shallow. Your body has gone into fight or flight mode and you
have started to panic. Stop right here and allow yourself to breathe deeply.
Pranayama (or yogic breathing) encourages to take time to just stop, and
focus on the breath.

Pregnancy and motherhood can bring a lot of huge physical, emotional and
environmental changes that can be difficult to adapt to. Taking some time
each week to just BREATHE during yoga class, bringing your attention to the
breath, focusing on the breath alone, not worrying about anything else, can
allow oxytocin to be released and deepen that relaxation. Slow steady
breathing is all that you need. Sometimes we get so caught up in ‘getting the
posture’ that we forget to breathe. Check yourself and make sure you ARE
actually breathing (you’d be surprised.)

Warming the body through the practice of Asana

It is important to warm the body before undertaking the physical practice of
yoga (asana) so as not to damage any joints and to ease the body gently
into the postures. This is especially important for pregnant and post natal
women, whose bodies are and have undergone physical stress and growth
over a period of time. During the practice of asana and pranayama, the
body generates heat and warms the body inside and out. Extra bonus?
When we are warm and relaxed, the body releases more oxytocin…

Chilling in Savasana

At the end of class, don’t just jump up and run out of class. Savasana, deep
relaxation at the end of class is your reward for all of your hard effort earlier
on. Learn to enjoy the relaxation, be aware of any random thoughts that go
through your mind – and just let them go. This is known as ‘monkey mind’
(What will I have for dinner? What did she mean by that?) – acknowledge
these meaningless thoughts and really take time for yourself – just focus on
the life force – the breath. That’s all you need to do. And enjoy the scrummy
feeling of the copious oxytocin rushing through your body. Sigh.

Why is Oxytocin so important for mummies

In a study of 65 women with depression and anxiety, the 34 women who took
a yoga class twice a week for two months showed a significant decrease in
depression and anxiety symptoms, compared to the 31 women who were
not in the class.

During Birth

Oxytocin helps birthing women through labour encouraging surges or
contractions as well as providing pain relieving endorphins and an altered
state of consciousness or bliss (known as labour land) that makes most of
childbirth seems ‘dream like’ or surreal. As soon as baby is born, it makes
mum fall in love in the greatest way possible, with their newborn baby.
In the first few moments after giving birth, a mother receives the largest rush
of oxytocin that she will ever experience in her lifetime. Oxytocin flows
between mother and child every time baby is breastfed which encourages
bonding and attachment.

During birth we can encourage the release of oxytocin by making sure that
mum has privacy, feels safe and comfortable, has a dimmed room and is left
in peace. Yogic breathing and practice of adapted savasana during
childbirth can aid the release of this special hormone.
Antenatal and Postnatal Depression

Yoga helps to balance hormones and stabilizes the endocrine system. By
practising yogic relaxation techniques, we can balance cortical activities
and the nervous and endocrine systems, reducing the body`s reaction to
stress. As a result, the body produces less adrenaline, noradrenaline and
cortisol, (all stress hormones) and mum feels much more balanced and stress

Also, prenatal depression studies indicate clinical depression alleviates by half
if only we can talk to a friend who listens to us and oxytocin is shown to
increase when we receive empathy. The social aspects of getting out to
perinatal yoga classes either before or with baby help mum and baby
socialize with other mums around them.
Baby Bonding

Remember oxytocin is about being personal in ways that give our time
together significance and shape moments of laughter and pleasure. Follow
the instinct to reach out and strengthen ties with invitations to share together
and enjoy your pregnancy and life.

There is ample evidence, that oxytocin and another hormone known as
vasopressin are critical for the bonding process, especially as it relates to
social and reproductive behaviour. Both chemicals help encourage bonding
and maternal behaviour.

Cheryl MacDonald is the founder of YogaBellies® which specializes in
perinatal yoga and natural birth preparation. She is the creator of the Birth
ROCKS® childbirth preparation method and has trained YogaBellies®
teachers across the world. Cheryl has been working with pregnant and
birthing women for almost ten years. She is mother of one lovely three year
old buy and lives with her husband in the west end of Glasgow.

Birth Made Easy Book Review

birth made easyI have previously interviewed Paola Bagnall. She had a lot of great things to say about giving birth. Now, let’s get down to the book.

The book has a great overview of pregnancy, both Pre and Post. It also comes with a free self hypnosis CD. For those interested in hypnobirthing (and there are rumours that Kate Middleton has joined them) this book is great. Paola believes that pregnancy is not a medical thing but a natural thing that the body is supposed to do. Although I don’t agree that pregnancy is not a medical thing, her ideas are interesting and certainly have merit. She is a qualified hypnotherapist and healed her own shoulder using the power of her mind.

This book has a lot of great information in it for any mother-to-be. Chapter one is about hypnosis and other chapters are about breathing, the biology of the female body, and the biology of birth. They are all very informative and fascinating.

There is also a chapter on how to use the CD. In the getting ready for birth chapter there are a lot of great tips, followed by an entire chapter or problem solving in, ‘What To Do if You Have….’ Nausa and vomiting are covered. As are C-sections and having a large baby.

The books tells you how to use the three stages of hynothearapy for the birth in an easy to understand way and has an entire chapter on how to disassociate yourself from the feelings of the contractions.

The last two chapters are what to do after the birth, a great chapter with some exercises on how to get back into shape, health tips, and enjoying your time as a mother.

This is a very good book for women who want a natural birth, and even has great tips for those who don’t. I can’t say it has convinced me to have a natural birth when I decide to have children, but the information is there for those who do.

Birth Made Easy – The positive and enjoyable way to have a baby easily and naturally using self-hypnosis